Donated by Anne Terry White in 1966.
Noncirculating; available for research.
The collection is protected by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. Code). Reproductions can be made only if they are to be used for "private study, scholarship, or research." It is the user's responsibility to verify copyright ownership and to obtain all necessary permissions prior to the reproduction, publication, or other use of any portion of these materials, other than that noted above.
Anne Terry White was born on February 19, 1896 in the Ukraine. She married in 1918, and received a bachelor's degree from Brown University in the same year. In 1925, she obtained a master's degree at Stanford University. After working as a teacher and social worker, White published her first children's book in 1937 and became a prolific author of works for young people, specializing in several genres. She wrote many books on archaeology and anthropology. Her output also includes a few books on slavery, and a few historical biographies. White was also known for her books on scientific subjects. The "All About" series for Random House included books on topics such as mountains, rivers, and rocks. The "Wonder of Wonders: Man" series was published by Garrard, and co-authored by Gerald Lietz. It included books on the brain, the eyes, circulation, and digestion. White also wrote dozens of adaptations, most based on myths, fairy tales or classic children's literature. Finally, White translated many Russian children's books into English.
White's original work was almost entirely on non-fictional subjects, especially history and science. The collection holds research notes which were probably used for All About Archaeology. Three other books in the "All About" series are documented with typescript pages that were not used in the final publication. The collection also holds research notes and a typescript for Built To Survive, a book about human anatomy and evolution which was part of the "Wonder of Wonders: Man" series. In addition, the collection contains research notes for The Golden Book of Animals.
The rest of the material in this collection derives from White's adaptations and translations. The collection holds a typescript from White's adaptation of Aesop's Fables. There are also typescripts of several chapters which were written for, but not used in, The Golden Treasury of Myths and Legends. Fairy Tales was an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's stories, for which there is a typescript. The collection holds a typescript for Kings in Israel, which is based on Biblical stories. No publication information could be found for this title.
A. Alphabetical Files (1948-1966)
1/1 "Bolivia Tin Roof of the World," article for Scholastic, 1948-1949, typescript, 9 pp. 1/2 Clippings, 8 items. 1/3 Correspondence with de Grummond Collection, 1966, giving brief background about the writing of each of her books, 6 pp. Fan mail, 1963-1964, 20 items.B. Published Books (1955-1968)
AESOP'S FABLES retold by Anne Terry White; illustrated by Helen Siegl (New York: Random House, 1964). 1/4 Typescript, minor editing, front matter, 4 pp., and 61 pp. ARCTURUS: THE HUNTING GROUND AND OTHER STORIES by Yuri Kazakov, illustrated by Bradford Holland, and translated from the Russian by Anne Terry White (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1968). 1/5 Book jacket, 1 item. ALL ABOUT ARCHAEOLOGY by Ann Terry White, drawings by Tom O'Sullivan (New York: Random House, 1959). 1/6-1/7 Research notes, 124 pp. ALL ABOUT GREAT RIVERS OF THE WORLD by Ann Terry White, illustrated by Kurt Wiese (New York: Random House, 1957). 1/8 Typescript, "not used," 24 pp. ALL ABOUT MOUNTAINS AND MOUNTAINEERING by Ann Terry White (New York: Random House, 1962). 1/9 Typescript, "not used," 17 pp. ALL ABOUT OUR CHANGING ROCKS, by Ann Terry White, illustrated by Rene Martin (New York: Random House, 1955). 1/10 Typescript, minor editing, "omitted"; "Diamond Rush," 21 pp. BUILT TO SURVIVE by Anne Terry White and Gerald S. Lietz, illustrated by Ted Schroeder (Champaign, IL: Garrard Pub. Co., 1966) 1/11 Typescript, minor editing, front matter, 3 pp., and pp. 1-52. 1/12 Manuscript and typescript notes, 39 items. 1/13 Clippings, 8 items. FAIRY TALES by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted by Ann Terry White, illustrated by Lowell Hess (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958). 2/1 Correspondence, 1958, 1 item. Typescript, 82 pp. THE GOLDEN BOOK OF ANIMALS by Ann Terry White, photographs by W. Suschitzky (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958). 2/2-2/4 Manuscript notes, 2/2 Agouti-Gorilla, 56 pp. 2/3 Hare-Rhinoceros, 53 pp. 2/4 Seal-Zebra, 21 pp. Miscellaneous, 7 pp. 2/5 Manuscript and typescript notes, 26 items. THE GOLDEN TREASURY OF MYTHS AND LEGENDS, adapted from the world's great classics, by Anne Terry White, illustrated by Alice and Martin Provensen (New York: Golden Press, 1959). 2/6-2/7 Typescripts for unused chapters, minor editing, 2/6 "The Brave Little Tailor," 7 pp. "Dick Whittington and His Cat," 2 copies, 12 pp. "The Dragon's Teeth," 6 pp. "Europa Takes a Ride," 16 pp. 2/7 "Jack and the Beanstalk," 6 pp. "The Snow White Heifer," 6 pp. "The Wrath of Achilles," 23 pp. ODYSSEUS COMES HOME FROM THE SEA told by Anne Terry White, illustrated by Arthur Shilstone (New York: Thomas Crowell, 1968). 2/8 Typescript, 4 pp. ON FARAWAY STREET by V. Panova, translated from the Russian by Rya Gabel, adapted by Anne Terry White (New York: G. Braziller, 1968). 2/9 Book jacket, 1 item. UNCLE TOM'S CABIN by Harriet Beecher Stowe, adapted by Anne Terry White (New York: G. Braziller, 1966). 2/10 Typescript, introduction, 8 pp.C. Unpublished Books (Undated)
"Kings in Israel" by Ann White (No publication information) 2/11-2/12 Typescript, 2/11 Front matter, 3 pp., and chapters 1-4, pp. 1-68. 2/12 Chapters 5-11, pp. 69-155. Untitled Book About Robin Hood 2/13 Outline and notes, 2 pp. Typescript, 5 chapters, 23 pp.
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The de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
The University of Southern Mississippi
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University of Southern Mississippi