Material received from Hilda Van Stockum and John Tepper Marlin from 1973-1991.
Non-circulating; available for research.
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Hilda Van Stockum was born in Rotterdam, Netherlands on February 9, 1908. Her father, Abraham John Van Stockum, was a naval officer. The family traveled extensively and by the time she was seventeen she had visited the East Indies, Paris, Switzerland, and Ireland. Van Stockum was always drawing and telling stories as a child and made a book for her brother when she was five years old. She, her mother, father, and two brothers moved to Ireland where she attended the Dublin School of Art. Completing her art education with four years in the Amsterdam Academy of Art, she developed a love for painting. She became an art teacher in Ireland and an illustrator for Browne and Nolan, publishers in Dublin in the late 1920s.
She married E. R. Marlin who was a friend of her brother Willem in 1932 and moved to New York in 1934 where she became a Montessori instructor at the Child Education Foundation. She wrote and illustrated her first book for children, A Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic, in that same year. In 1935 they moved to Washington, D. C. where she was an instructor in art and creative writing at the Institute of Lifetime Learning and studied at Corcoran School of Art from 1936 to 1937. She also became a United States citizen in 1936. She and her husband had six children who served as models for the characters in some of her books. One of her daughters is artist Brigid Marlin.
Van Stockum's family moved to Canada where her husband was an official of the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization. Van Stockum continued writing children's books and began setting them in Canada. She published more than twenty books of her own and illustrated another dozen for other authors. She wrote a series about the O'Sullivan family of Ireland and another about the Mitchell family, depicting life in the United States during World War II. Her own children provided inspiration, but the refinement of the characters and social situations are considered Van Stockum's special gift. She also contributed to English literature for children by translating several stories set in foreign lands. In 1990 she was residing and working in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England.
During the course of her career she had several individual shows at such galleries as the Painters Gallery in Dublin (1953), Difas Gallery in Geneva (1964), De Kuyl Gallery in Bilthoven, Netherlands (1964), Venables Gallery in Washington, D.C. (1974), Den Arts Gallery in Ottawa (1974), and Royal Hibernian Academy (circa 1990). She was president of the Children's Book Guild in Washington, D. C. (1972-1974) and received the Newbery Honor Award in 1935 for A Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic.
Hilda Van Stockum passed away in November of 2006. For more information, see
The collection contains correspondence, material for fifteen book titles, an exhibition catalog, and unidentified illustrations. The correspondence, all with the de Grummond Collection and dating 1973-1979 and undated, is arranged in chronological order. The book titles are organized alphabetically with material for each arranged in the probable order in which it was created.
Andries (1942) is the story of a boy in the Netherlands who is adopted by his uncle when his parents die. For this title the collection holds several ink, graphite, and acrylic illustrations. The Angels' Alphabet (1948) is an ABC book of poetry about angels. Manuscript notes, paste-ups, and illustrations make up the original material for this title. For The Beggar's Penny (1943), another story set in the Netherlands, written by Catherine Cate Coblentz, the collection contains manuscript notes, illustrations, and a dust jacket illustration. The Borrowed House (1975), set during World War II, is the story of a young German girl, a member of the Hitler Youth, who goes to live with her parents in occupied Amsterdam and comes to realize the truth about the war. For this title the collection contains manuscript notes and four typescripts.
The Cottage at Bantry Bay (1938), Francie on the Run (1939), and Pegeen (1941) are books in a series about the O'Sullivan family of Ireland. The family consists of a mother and father, two responsible older children, and two irrepressible younger children who have many adventures. For The Cottage at Bantry Bay the collection holds a single illustration. For Francie on the Run the collection includes illustrations and a key drawing for a color separation. For Pegeen the collection consists of several illustrations and two proofs. Friendly Gables (1960) is a book from another series about the Mitchell family, depicting family life in the United States during World War II. For this title the collection includes a typescript, illustrations, proofs, negatives, color separations, and a dust jacket.
Gerrit and the Organ (1943) is also set in the Netherlands. The collection includes several illustrations for this book. Little Old Bear (1962) is a picture book about a tired old teddy bear and how he finds a new home. For this title the collection holds two dummies, illustrations, and proofs. For Mogo's Flute (1966), a story set in Kenya, the holdings consist of manuscript notes and a typescript. Patsy and the Pup (1950) is a picture book about a small girl and her puppy for which the collection holds illustrations and a color separation. For Penengro (1972), the story of an orphan boy who runs away to join the gypsies, the collection includes three typescripts, sketches, illustrations, a negative, and color tonal charts. The Winged Watchman (1962) concerns the Verhagen family during the German occupation of Holland in World War II. For this title the holdings consist of a typescript, illustrations, and a proof.
Van Stockum also translated books for foreign authors. The collection includes typescripts for two of these titles: Bruno (1975) by Achim Broger and Shadow Over Chocomata (1977) by S. R. van Iterson.
Van Stockum focused her books on family life. She wrote about the normal everyday concerns as well as the unusual. The relationships of family members is of great importance in her books and what factors might bring them together or separate them.
The Robin Jacques Papers (DG0505)
A. Correspondence
1/1 To the de Grummond Collection, 1973-1979 and undated, 9 items.B. Books
ANDRIES by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1942). 1/2 - 3 Illustrations, ink, graphite, and acrylic, 1/2 title page, pp. 9-57, 15 items; 1/3 pp. 68-189, 16 items. THE ANGELS' ALPHABET by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1948). 1/4 Manuscript notes, 21 items. Paste-ups, text, 7 pp. 1/5 - 7 Illustrations, scratchboard and ink, 1/5 pp. [5, 9, 11, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25; 1/6 27, 29, 35, 39, 43, 47, 49, 51; 1/7 53, 57], and 7 not published. THE BEGGAR'S PENNY by Catherine Cate Coblentz, illustrated by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1943). 1/8 Manuscripts, 48 pages. 1/9 Illustrations, scratchboard and ink, title page, pp. 1, 55, 71, 138, 165, 179, 201, 235, 245, 261, front cover, and 1 not published. Illustration, dust jacket, graphite, watercolor, and ink. THE BORROWED HOUSE by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1975). 2/1 Manuscripts, 73 pages. 2/2 - 5 Typescript, carbon, "first version," edited, 2/2 chapters 1-4, pp. 1-49; 2/3 chapters 5-9, pp. 50-101; 2/4 chapters 10-13, pp. 102-152; 2/5 [pt. 15]-19, pp. 157-205. 2/6 - 8 Typescript, carbon, "second version," edited, 2/6 chapters 1-7, pp. 1-63; 2/7 chapters 8-14, pp. 64-109; 2/8 chapters 15-23, pp. 110-174. 2/9 - 3/2 Typescript, carbon, "third version," edited, 2/9 chapters 1-6, pp. 2-55; 2/10 chapters 7-11, pp. 56-102; 3/1 chapters 12-17, pp. 104-150; 3/2 chapters 18-24, pp. 151-199. 3/3 - 4 Typescript, carbon, edited, 3/3 chapters 1-12, pp. 1-97; 3/4 chapters 13-21, pp. 98-174. 3/5 - 8 Typescript, carbon, edited, 3/5 chapters 1-5, pp. 1-49; 3/6 chapters 6-10, pp. 50-98; 3/7 chapters 11-17, pp. 99-150; 3/8 chapters 18-22, pp. 152-192. BRUNO by Achim Broger, translated from the German by Hilda Van Stockum, illustrated by Ronald Himler (New York: Morrow, 1975). 3/9 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-37. THE COTTAGE AT BANTRY BAY by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1938). 3/10 Illustration, ink and acrylic, p. 18. FRANCIE ON THE RUN by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1939). 3/11 Illustrations, ink, graphite and acrylic, pp. 21-301, 45 items. Illustration, photocopy, not published, 1 item. 4/1 Color separations, dust jacket. FRIENDLY GABLES by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1960). 4/2 Typescript, carbon, chapter 1-12, pp. 1-143. [Removed from untitled notebook] 4/3 Typescript, original, corrected, chapters 1-10, pp. 1-100. 4/4 Illustrations, ink, graphite and acrylic, pp. 9-172 and not published, 15 items. [Removed from untitled notebook] Illustrations, ink, graphite and acrylic, pp. 6-7, 7 items. 4/5 Proofs, negatives and positives, pp. 6-7, 8 items. 4/6 Color separations, dust jacket, 3 items. Proof with text paste-ups, marked for typesetter, dust jacket, 1 item. Negative, dust jacket, 1 item. Dust jacket proofs, 2 items. GERRIT AND THE ORGAN by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1943). 4/7 - 12 Illustrations, scratchboard, graphite and acrylic, 4/7 pp. iii-28, 11 items; 4/8 pp. 32-63, 12 items; 4/9 pp. 64-90, 10 items; 4/10 pp. 92-123, 11 items; 4/11 pp. 127-158, 11 items; 4/12 pp. 160-177 and 3 not published, 12 items. LITTLE OLD BEAR by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1962). 5/1 Dummy, preliminary with ink, graphite and acrylic sketches. Dummy with proofs of illustrations and manuscript text. 5/2 - 3 Illustrations, ink and acrylic, pp. 1-32, 36 items; 5/3 Sketches, ink and acrylic, dust jacket, 3 items. Proofs, not published, 5 items. MOGO'S FLUTE by Hilda Van Stockum, drawings by Robin Jacques (New York: The Viking Press, 1966). 5/4 Manuscripts, 62 pages. 5/5 Typescript, edited, pp. 6-70. PATSY AND THE PUP by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1950). 5/6 - 8 Illustrations, scratchboard and acrylic, 5/6 dedication page, pp. 9-31, 13 items; 5/7 pp. 33-59, 13 items; 5/8 pp. 61-83, dust jacket, and not published, 41 items. 5/9 Sketches, ink and acrylic, dust jacket. Color separation, dust jacket. PEGEEN by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: The Viking Press, 1941). 6/1 - 5 Illustrations, ink, acrylic and colored pencil, 6/1 title page, pp. 12-57, 14 items; 6/2 pp. 59-99, 14 items; 6/3 pp. 103-149, 14 items; 6/4 pp. 153-199, 15 items; 6/5 pp. 202-265, 21 items. Proofs, pp. 168 and 204. PENENGRO by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972). 6/6 - 7 Typescript, carbon, "first-rejected version of `Colin and the Gypsies'," edited, 6/6 chapters 1-7, pp. 1-118; 6/7 chapters 8-14, pp. 110-225. 6/8 - 9 Typescript, carbon, "second version which had to be amended," edited, 6/8 chapters 1-4, pp. 1-65; 6/9 chapters 5-9, pp. 66-130; 6/10 chapters 10-15, pp. 131-234. 7/1 - 2 Typescript, photocopy, "final version," edited, 7/1 front matter, chapters 1-9, pp. 1-102; 7/2 chapters 10-17, pp. 103-195. 7/3 Sketches, ink and graphite, 19 items. 7/4 - 5 Illustrations, ink and acrylic, 7/4 pp. 18-105, 8 items; 7/5 pp. 122-209, 7 items. Negative, p. 78. 7/6 Color chart, 2 items. 8/1 Illustrations, ink and watercolor, dust jacket, 2 items. Dust jacket. SHADOW OVER CHOKOMATA by Siny van Iterson, translation from the Dutch by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: Morrow, 1977). 8/2 Typescript, carbon, edited, pp. 1-112. THE WINGED WATCHMAN by Hilda Van Stockum (New York: Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, 1962) 8/3 Typescript, "rejected first copy," edited, pp. 1-90. 8/4 Illustrations, ink and acrylic and scratchboard, frontispiece, pp. 5-195, 25 items. Proof, p. 94. YOUNG KEES by Theo Thyssen, translated and adapted by Hilda Van Stockum. 8/5 - 6 Typescript, carbon, corrected; 8/5 Chapter 1-11, pp. 1-59; 8/6 Chapter 12-23, pp. 60-137.C. Exhibitions
8/7 Catalog, Hilda Van Stockum HRHA: Paintings and Drawings 1925-1990, 32 pp. [Removed to cataloged collection]D. Unidentified Illustrations
8/8 Unidentified illustrations, ink and acrylic, 3 items.
The de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
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(601) 266-4349
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University of Southern Mississippi | Last updated June 3, 2002.