Material was donated by Patricia Miles Martin from 1966-1979.
Noncirculating; available for research.
The collection is protected by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. Code). Reproductions can be made only if they are to be used for "private study, scholarship, or research." It is the user's responsibility to verify copyright ownership and to obtain all necessary permissions prior to the reproduction, publication, or other use of any portion of these materials, other than that noted above.
Patricia Miles Martin was born on November 14, 1899 in Cherokee, Kansas. She attended San Mateo College and the University of Wyoming. In the 1930's she was an elementary school teacher for four years in Denver, Colorado and Armito, Wyoming.
Ms. Martin started writing almost by accident. In 1957, while attending San Mateo College, she enrolled in an upholstering class that was too full. She noticed that another class had empty seats so she sat down. It was a creative writing class, and there was room for her. Sylvester and the Voice in the Forest (1958) was her first published book.
Ms. Martin began a story with a thought or message she wanted to convey, usually a value she lived by and wanted to share with her readers. Research was very important to Ms. Martin and she spent time carefully working out all of the details first. She often traveled to a particular region and studied how her story would develop based on the surroundings of the area and how it related to her story.
During her lifetime, Ms. Martin wrote over 100 stories under her own name, as well as the pseudonyms Miska Miles, Patricia A. Miles, and Jerry Lane. She wrote autobiographies of famous Americans, presidents, and inventors, and fiction stories about different cultures, people and animals. Her inspiration came from the things that happened to her while living on a farm in Kansas and a Navajo reservation. In 1972, she received a Newbery Honor and a Christopher Medal for Annie and the Old One (1971). This book and many others were also named as ALA Notable Books, Junior Literary Books, and were on the Horn Book honor list. Annie and the Old One was adapted to film by Greenhouse Films in 1976.
The collection contains typescripts, galleys, proofs, folded and gathered sheets, and press sheets for 62 titles. The materials are arranged alphabetically by title. Within each title, the materials are arranged in the probable order in which they were created. The correspondence was separated by title with the exception of correspondence with the de Grummond Collection. Although Patricia Miles Martin wrote under three pseudonyms, only the books written under her real name and the name Miska Miles are represented in the collection.
Patricia Miles Martin wrote 12 biographies for the Putnam "See & Read/Begin to Read Biography Series." Nine of the biographies are in the collection. There are typescripts only for Andrew Jackson (1966), Dolley Madison (1967), Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1969), John Marshall (1967), and Thomas Alva Edison (1971). There are galleys for Abraham Lincoln (1964) and Daniel Boone (1965). There is a typescript and a proof for Pocahontas (1964) and a typescript and a galley for Zachary Taylor (1969).
Aaron's Door (1977), written under the pseudonym Miska Miles, is about an adopted boy who hides behind a locked door when he is unable to adjust to the fact that he is adopted. There is a typescript and a galley for this title. There are also typescripts and galleys for A Long Ago Christmas (1968), Apricot ABC (1969), Chicken Forgets (1976), No, No, Rosina (1964) Otter in the Cove (1974), The Pieces of Home (1967),The Raccoon and Mrs. McGinnis (1961) Somebody's Dog (1970), and Uncle Fonzo's Ford (1968). There is also a dust jacket and production notes for A Long Ago Christmas.
In Be Brave, Charlie (1972), a young Navajo boy leaves the desert to go to a boarding school. There are typescripts for this title, as well as typescripts for Chicanos; Mexicans in the United States (1971), Dolls From Cheyenne (1967), Eddie's Bear (1970), Friends of Miguel (1967), Grandma's Gun (1968), The Greedy One (1964), Mouse Six and Happy Birthday (1978), One Special Dog (1968), That Cat! 1-2-3 (1969), Two Plays About Foolish People (1972), and Wharf Rat (1972.) There is also a dust jacket for Wharf Rat and a partial typescript for Trina's Boxcar (1967).
There is a galley for the Newbery Honor Book Annie and the Old One (1971). In the story, Annie, a young Navajo girl, tries desperately to keep her mother away from her weaving when her grandmother announces she will die when the rug is finished. There are also galleys for both Beaver Moon (1978) and Pony in the Schoolhouse (1964). There are also folded and gathered sheets for this title.
On a boat in Hong Kong Harbor, a boy tries to trade his dog for a cat to catch mice on his grandmother's boat in The Dog and the Boat Boy (1969). There are typescripts, galleys and folded and gathered sheets for this title as well as for Dusty & the Fiddlers (1962), and The Rice Bowl Pet (1962). Enemies in the wild become friends when they are forced from their homes during a fire in The Fox and the Fire (1966). There are proofs and folded and gathered sheets for this title.
When Little Duck leaves to search the world, he realizes that his small pond at home is much better in Swim, Little Duck (1976). There are typescripts and proofs for this title. There are also typescripts and proofs for Small Rabbit (1977), See a White Horse (1963), Rabbit Garden (1967), Kickapoo (1961), Little Two and the Peach Tree (1963), and Mississippi Possum (1965). There are also map sketches and a dust jacket for Kickapoo.
In Suzu and the Bride Doll (1960), a Japanese doll comes to life to search for a husband. There are typescripts and folded and gathered sheets for this title. There are also these materials for Show and Tell (1966), The Pumpkin Patch (1966), The Pointed Brush (1959), and Nobody's Cat (1969). There is also a dust jacket for The Pumpkin Patch. An 11 year old girl secretly practices pearl diving at her grandfather's farm in Kumi and the Pearl (1968). There are typescripts, galleys, and proofs for this title. There are typescripts, galleys, proofs, and folded and gathered sheets for The Bony Pony (1966).
There are 5 related collections to the Patricia Miles Martin (Miska Miles) Papers. These collections contain illustrations, dummies and separations for some of the titles in this collection. There are illustrations in the Glen Dines Papers (DG0273) for Daniel Boone (1965) and a preliminary jacket illustration for The Bony Pony (1965). There are also illustrations in the Tom Hamil Papers (DG0418) for The Pumpkin Patch (1966), Show and Tell (1962), and There Goes the Tiger! (1970). There are color separations and an illustration for A Long Ago Christmas (1968) and an illustration of the jacket for Dolls From Cheyenne (1967) in the Albert Orbaan Papers (DG0747). There are illustrations and a dummy for Mississippi Possum (1965) in the John Schoenherr Papers (DG0864). Other related collections are: The Ezra Jack Keats Papers (DG0001), The Roger Duvoisin Papers (DG0289), The Wesley Dennis Papers (DG0261), The Harper Johnson Papers (DG0261), and The Kurt Werth Papers (DG1040).
A. Correspondence
1/1 Correspondence with the de Grummond Collection, 1966-1979, 37 items. 1/2 Fan mail, 1 item.B. Books
Aaron's Door by Miska Miles, illustrated by Alan E. Cober (Boston: Little, Brown, 1977). 1/3 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 18 pp. 1/4 Galley, "marked set," 4 pp. Abraham Lincoln by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Gustav Schrotter (New York: Putnam, 1964). 1/5 Galley, 9 April 1963, 7 pp. Andrew Jackson by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Salem Tamer (New York: Putnam, 1966). 1/6 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 13 pp. Annie and the Old One by Miska Miles, illustrated by Peter Parnall (Boston: Little, Brown, 1971). 1/7 Galley, "duplicate set," 16 June 1970, 7 pp. Apricot ABC by Miska Miles, illustrated by Peter Parnall (Boston: Little, Brown, 1969). 1/8 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 11 pp. 1/9 Galley, "file set," 4 pp. Beaver Moon by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1978). 1/10 Galley, "duplicate set," 6 September 1977, 6 pp. Be Brave, Charlie by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Bonnie Johnson (New York: Putnam, 1972). 1/11 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 7 April 1971, 14 pp. Benjie Goes Into Business by Patricia Miles Martin, pictures by Paul Galdone (New York: Putnam, 1961). 1/12 Typescript, 11 pp. 1/13 Galleys, "reader's proof, marked set," 19 July 1960; 3 pp., 2 sets. 1/14 Dummy with artist's sketches and text paste-up, 1 item. 1/15 Dust jacket, 1 item. The Birthday Present by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Margo Locke (New York: Abingdon Press, 1963). 1/16 Galley, minor corrections, 6 pp. 1/17 Proof, "author's copy," pp. 1-48. 1/18 Color proofs for illustrations, 2 items. 1/19 Proof of dust jacket, 1 item. Dust jacket, 1 item. The Bony Pony by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Glen Dines (New York: Putnam, 1966). 1/20 Correspondence, n.d., 2 items. 1/21 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 14 pp. 1/22 Galley, "reader's proof, marked set," 2 March 1965; 5 pp. 1/23 Proofs, 11 May 1965, pp. 7-47. 1/24 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. 1/25 Proof of dust jacket, 1 item. Dust jacket, 1 item. The Broomtail Bronc by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Margo Locke (New York: Abingdon Press, 1965). 1/26 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-45. Chicanos; Mexicans in the United States by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Robert Frankenberg (New York: Parents' Magazine Press, 1971). 2/1 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-26. Chicken Forgets by Miska Miles, illustrated by Jim Arnosky (Boston: Little, Brown, 1976). 2/2 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 11 pp. 2/3 Galley, minor corrections, 8 March 1976, 4 pp. Daniel Boone by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Glen Dines (New York: Putnam, 1965). 2/4 Galley, "reader's proof, marked set," 2 March 1965; 5 pp. The Dog and the Boat Boy by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Earl Thollander (New York: Putnam, 1969). 2/5 Typescript, edited, 15 pp. 2/6 Galley, "reader's proof, marked set," 11 June 1968; 6 pp. 2/7 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Dolley Madison by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Unada (New York: Putnam, 1967). 2/8 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 15 pp. Dolls From Cheyenne by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Don Almquist (New York: Putnam, 1967). 2/9 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 24 pp. Dusty & the Fiddlers by Miska Miles, illustrated by Erik Blegvad (Boston: Little, Brown, 1962). 2/10 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-21. 2/11 Galley, "author's duplicate," 13 pp. 2/12 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Eddie's Bear by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970). 2/13 Typescript, 4 May 1969, pp. 1-15. Typescript, 10 August 1969, pp. 1-15. Fox and the Fire by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1966). 2/14 Proof, "first proof," 28 June 1965, 5 pp. 2/15 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Friends of Miguel by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Genia (New York: Rand McNally, 1967). 2/16 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-13. Grandma's Gun by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Robert Corey (San Carlos, California: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1968). 2/17 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 14 pp. The Greedy One by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Kazue Mizumura (New York: Rand McNally, 1964). 2/18 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-20. Happy Piper and the Goat by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Kurt Werth (New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1960). 2/19 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. 3/1 Press sheets, 1 item. Hoagie's Rifle-gun by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970). 3/2 Research materials on bobcats, 3 items. Research notes for artist, 2 pp. 3/3 Galley, "author's duplicate set," 7 October 1968, 5 pp. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis by Patricia Miles Martin, pictures by Paul Frame (New York: Putnam, 1969). 3/4 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 20 pp. Typescript of corrections, 5 pp. John Marshall by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Salem Tamer (New York: Putnam, 1967). 3/5 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 13 pp. Jump Frong Jump by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Earl Thollander (New York: Putnam, 1965). 3/6 Dummy with artist's sketches and text paste-up, 1 item. Kickapoo by Miska Miles, illustrated by Wesley Dennis (Boston: Little, Brown, 1961). 3/7 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-36. 3/8 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-35. 3/9 Sketches, 2 maps for story. Picture of mule, 1 item. 3/10 Proof, "B proof," minor corrections, 13 pp. 3/11 Dust jacket, 1 item. Kumi and the Pearl by Patricia Miles Martin, drawings by Tom Hamil (New York: Putnam, 1968). 3/12 Typescript, "revised original manuscript," edited, pp. 1-15. 3/13 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-15. 3/14 Galley, "to makeup and repro," 2 August 1967, 7 pp. 3/15 Proofs, 14 February 1968, 17 pp. 3/16 Publication memos, 8 items. Photocopy of story board layout, 1 pp. The Little Brown Hen by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Harper Johnson (New York: Crowell, 1960). 4/1 Galley, edited, 13 August 1959, 6 pp. 4/2 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Little Two and the Peach Tree by Patricia Miles Martin (New York: Athenum, 1963). 4/3 Typescript, edited, 20 pp. Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-14. 4/4 Proof, "first, marked set," 6 pp. 4/5 Proof, 9 pp. A Long Ago Christmas by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Albert Orbaan (New York: Putnam, 1968). 4/6 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-6. 4/7 Typescript of jacket material, 2 pp. Production notes, 1 item. 4/8 Galley, minor corrections, 5 pp. 4/9 Dust jacket, 1 item. Mississippi Possum by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1965). 4/10 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-9. 4/11 Proof, "duplicate first proof," 5 pp. Mouse Six and Happy Birthday by Miska Miles, illustrated by Leslie Morrill (New York: Dutton, 1978). 4/12 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-7. Mrs. Crumble & Fire Engine No. 7 by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Earl Thollander (New York: Putnam Sons, 1966). 4/13 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 12 pp. 4/14 Dummy with artist's sketches and text paste-up, 1 item. 4/15 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Nobody's Cat by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1969). 4/16 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-14. 4/17 Proof, "second proof," 11 December 1967, 6 pp. 4/18 Press sheets, 1 item. 4/19 Folded and gathered sheets, 2 items. No, No, Rosina by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Earl Thollander (New York: Putnam, 1964). 5/1 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-12. 5/2 Galleys, "set galleys," 29 April 1963, 2 sets. One Special Dog by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by John and Lucy Hawkinson (New York: Rand McNally, 1968). 5/3 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-12. Otter in the Cove by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1974). 5/4 Research notes about otters, 3 pp. 5/5 Typescript, "original," edited, 7 February 1973; pp. 1-13. Typescript, "twelfth draft," edited, pp. 1-13. 5/6 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 18 pp. 5/7 Galley, edited, pp. 1-12. The Pieces of Home by Miska Miles, illustrated by Victor Ambrus (Boston: Little, Brown, 1967). 5/8 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-48. 5/9 Galley, 9 January 1967, 15 pp. Pocahontas by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Portia Takakjian (New York: Putnam, 1964). 5/10 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 17 pp. 5/11 Proof, "reader's marked set," 19 June 1963, 8 pp. The Pointed Brush by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Roger Duvoisin (New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1959). 5/12 Proof, 16 June 1958, 4 pp. 5/13 Press sheets, 2 items. 5/14 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Pony in the Schoolhouse by Miska Miles, illustrated by Erik Blegvad (Boston: Little, Brown, 1964). 6/1 Galley, "author's duplicate," 20 May 1963. 6/2 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. The Pumpkin Patch by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Tom Hamil (New York: Putnam, 1966). 6/3 Typescript, "xeroxed original," pp. 1-11. 6/4 Proofs, 18 April 1966, 14 pp. 6/5 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. 6/6 Dust jacket, 1 item. Rabbit Garden by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1967). 6/7 Typescript, "author's duplicate of original," edited, 14 pp. Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 14 pp. 6/8 Proof, "first proof," 8 April 1966, 3 pp. The Raccoon and Mrs. McGinnis by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard (New York: Putnam, 1961). 6/9 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-9. 6/10 Galleys, "master set," 20 December 1960, 2 sets. The Rice Bowl Pet by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Ezra Jack Keats (New York: Crowell, 1962). 6/11 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 22 June 1961; pp. 1-11. 6/12 Galleys, minor corrections, 2 sets. 6/13 Press sheets, 1 item. 6/14 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Rolling the Cheese by Patricia Miles Martin (New York: Athenum, 1966). 6/15 Manuscript notes, 1 p. See a White Horse by Miska Miles, illustrated by Wesley Dennis (Boston: Little, Brown, 1963). 6/16 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 27 March 1962; 36 pp. 6/17 Proof, 3 July 1962, 12 pp. Show and Tell by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Salem Tamer (New York: Putnam, 1966). 7/1 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-9. 7/2 Proof, "reader's marked set," 3 pp. 7/3 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Sing, Sailor, Sing by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Graham Booth (San Carlos, California: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1966). 7/4 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Small Rabbit by Miska Miles, illustrated by Jim Arnosky (Boston: Little, Brown, 1977). 7/5 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-8. 7/6 Proof, "master set," 2 February 1977; 4 pp. Somebody's Dog by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1970). 7/7 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 3 January 1973; pp. 1-13. 7/8 Galley, "duplicate," 5 March 1973, 5 pp. Suzu and the Bride Doll by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Kazue Mizumura (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1960). 7/9 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-23. 7/10 Folded and gathered sheets, 1 item. Swim, Little Duck by Miska Miles, illustrated by Jim Arnosky (Boston: Little, Brown, 1976). 7/11 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-6. 7/12 Proof, "master set," 14 August 1975; 3 pp. That Cat! 1-2-3 by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Unada (New York: Putnam, 1969). 7/13 Typescripts, edited, 2 versions. Thomas Alva Edison by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Fermin Rocker (New York: Putnam, 1971). 7/14 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-11. Trina's Boxcar by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Robert L. Jefferson (Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 1967). 7/15 Partial typescript, edited, 11 pp. Two Plays About Foolish People by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Gabriel Lisowski (New York: Putnam, 1972). 7/16 Typescripts, 20 August 1970 to 9 May 1971, 4 versions. Uncle Fonzo's Ford by Miska Miles, illustrated by Wendy Watson (Boston: Little, Brown, 1968). 7/17 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-55. 8/1 Galley, "author's copy," 5 July 1967; 18 pp. Wharf Rat by Miska Miles, illustrated by John Schoenherr (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972). 8/2 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-9. 8/3 Dust jacket, 1 item. Zachary Taylor by Patricia Miles Martin, illustrated by Tran Mawicke (New York: Putnam, 1969). 8/4 Typescript, edited, includes research notes, 20 pp. 8/5 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, pp. 1-14. 8/6 Galley, "marked set," 18 March 1969; 8 pp. 8/7 Photocopy of dust jacket, 1 item.
The following items were removed from the Patricia Miles Martin Papers and moved to the illustrators' collections. A preliminary illustration of the dust jacket for The Bony Pony (1965) was removed and added to the Glen Dines Papers (DG 0273) An illustration for A Long Ago Christmas (1968) was removed and added to the Albert Orbaan Papers (DG 0747).
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The de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
The University of Southern Mississippi
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University of Southern Mississippi