The collection was donated by Shirley Glubok between 1966 and 1996.
Noncirculating; available for research.
The collection is protected by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, U. S. Code). Reproductions can be made only if they are to be used for "private study, scholarship, or research." It is the user's responsibility to verify copyright ownership and to obtain all necessary permissions prior to the reproduction, publication, or other use of any portion of these materials, other than that noted above.
Shirley Glubok was born on June 15, 1933 in St. Louis, Missouri. She received her bachelor's degree from Washington University, majoring in art and archeology, while continuing to develop her writing talent, which first emerged during childhood. After writing advertising copy in St. Louis, she took education courses and began her career as a grade school teacher. She took her students on field trips to the art museum, encouraging them to develop and express their own opinions about art. Soon she went to New York to obtain her master's degree in early childhood education from Columbia University (1958). Upon graduation she was hired to give Saturday lectures for children at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She also taught at a private school until 1964.
Glubok's first book, The Art of Ancient Egypt was published by Atheneum in 1962. After seeing the positive reviews the book received, Atheneum decided to produce a series of art history books written by Glubok. She has since written about thirty art history books for three publishers with the same basic format. With the help of juvenile advisors, Glubok chooses numerous black and white photographs of artwork for inclusion in her books. She complements the photographs with a clear, concise textual narrative. She has written most frequently about American art, classical art, Asian art, Native American art, dolls, and archaeological discoveries. She has also written about individual artists. In addition, she wrote four books with her husband, Alfred Tamarin (married 1968, died 1980). These books tended to include more text than Glubok's solo efforts. Glubok has written that, "My aim is to introduce young readers to the great art treasures of the world so they will try to understand the people who made them." In addition to writing about art, Glubok lectures on art and children's literature in front of classrooms, museum groups, and various professional educators' and librarians' organizations. She has received numerous awards, including: the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award in 1963 for The Art of Ancient Egypt; the Spur Award from the Western Writers of America in 1971; several American Library Association "notable book" citations; the Boston Globe-Horn Book award for best non- fiction book of the year, 1976; and Author of the Year for her body of work from the Children's Book Guild of Washington, D.C.
The majority of the material in this collection has been grouped according to title, and arranged alphabetically. Within each title, the materials are arranged in the probable order of creation.
Most of the books in the collection are nonfiction art history books which fall into several categories: books on ancient European and Mediterranean art; books on Asian art; books on the art of indigenous American peoples; books on American art of various time periods; books edited by Glubok; and books co-written by Glubok and her husband, Alfred Tamarin. With the exception of books in the latter two categories, almost all the titles in this collection follow the same format. The books are all roughly 48 pages long. Almost every page contains a black-and-white photograph of a work of art or architecture, accompanied by one or two short paragraphs of text explaining the piece and its creator. The books also contain basic historical information about the era or culture under examination.
Most of the titles in this collection are thoroughly documented. Several have material from nearly every stage of the publication process. Typescripts, galleys, dummys, page layouts, and blues are most prevalent in this collection, while research materials and proofs are available for only a few titles. Books for which there is not much documentation include American Sculpture, Art of America Since World War II, Art of Lands in the Bible, Art of Photography, and Art of the Woodland Indians.
Books on ancient or medieval European and Mediterranean art represented in this collection include The Art of Ancient Egypt, The Art of Ancient Greece, The Art of Ancient Rome, The Art of Egypt Under the Pharaohs, The Art of Lands in the Bible, The Art of the Etruscans, Art of the Vikings, and Knights in Armor. Glubok also edited three books on this subject: Digging In Assyria, Discovering the Royal Tombs at Ur, and Discovering Tut-ankh-amen's Tombs. With her husband, Glubok co-wrote The Mummy of Ramose: The Life and Death of an Ancient Egyptian Nobleman, and The Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.
Books on Asian art in this collection include The Art of China, The Art of India, and the Art of Japan. Books on indigenous American cultures include The Art of Ancient Mexico, The Art of Ancient Peru, The Art of the Eskimo, The Art of the North American Indians, The Art of the Northwest Coast Indians, The Art of the Plains Indians, The Art of the Southeastern Indians, The Art of the Southwestern Indians, and The Art of the Woodland Indians. Glubok also edited and abridged two books on this subject: The Fall of the Incas, and The Fall of the Aztecs.
Glubok also examined several eras of American art. Material for the following titles can be found in this collection: American Sculpture, The Art of America From Jackson to Lincoln, The Art of America in the Early Twentieth Century, The Art of America in the Gilded Age, The Art of America Since World War II, The Art of Colonial America, The Art of the Comic Strip, The Art of the New American Nation, The Art of the Old West, and The Art of the Spanish in the United States and Puerto Rico. Glubok also edited and abridged Home and Child Life in Colonial Days, and co-wrote Voyaging to Cathay, about historic relations and cultural exchanges between America and China.
The following books don't fall into any of the categories above, but follow the basic 48-page format: Art and Archaeology, The Art of Africa, The Art of Photography, and Dolls, Dolls, Dolls. Painting, a part of Scribner's "Great Lives" series, is a longer work, primarily for young adults, with twenty-three chapter-length biographies of famous painters.
The books which Glubok edited and abridged, and those which she co-wrote with her husband, tend to be longer and more detailed than the books in the "Art of" series. Many of these books still deal extensively with works of art, but they also focus in more depth on historical topics. Books which Glubok edited and abridged include Digging In Assyria, Discovering the Royal Tombs at Ur, Discovering Tut-ankh-amen's Tombs, The Fall of the Incas, The Fall of the Aztecs, and Home and Child Life in Colonial Days. With her husband Alfred Tamarin, Glubok co-wrote The Mummy of Ramose: The Life and Death of an Ancient Egyptian Nobleman, Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, and Voyaging to Cathay.
The "Articles" series contains typescripts and/or photocopies of several essays on art
and culture written for magazines or children's textbooks. The "Miscellaneous" series
contains a long autobiographical essay written for Something About the
Box/FolderA. Books (1962-1994)
AMERICAN SCULPTURE by Shirley Glubok (New York: Holt, Rinehart, 1973). 1/1 Typescript, pp. 1-16. 1/2 Typescript, 17 pp. ART AND ARCHAEOLOGY by Shirley Glubok (New York: Harper & Row, 1966). 1/3 Miscellaneous typescript pages, edited, 35 pp. 1/4 Typescript, front matter, 2 pp., and pp. 3-56 (sporadic, 36 pp. total). 1/5 Typescript, edited, front matter, 2 pp., and pp. 1-35. 1/6 Typescript, pp. 1-23. Typescripts of book jacket text, 7 pp. 1/7 Galley, edited, 8 December 1965, 7 pp. Galley, 7 pp. 1/8 Storyboard layouts, 6 items. 1/9 Dummy with pasted-up text and illustrations, c. 42 pp. THE ART OF AFRICA by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1965). 1/10 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-31 (missing pp. 2 and 27). 1/11 Typescript, carbon copy, pp. 1-31 (missing p. 27). 1/12 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-30. Typescript, captions, 4 pp. 1/13 Storyboard layouts, 2 items. 1/14 Dummy with pasted-up text and illustrations, 47 pp. 2/1 Folded and gathered sheets, 11 sheets. THE ART OF AMERICA FROM JACKSON TO LINCOLN by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1973). 2/2 Typescript, front matter, 8 pp., and body, 26 pp. 2/3 Galley, "master set," front matter, 4 pp., and pp. 1-11. Galley, pp. 1-11. 2/4 Typescript of book jacket text, 4 pp. Layout of book jacket with pasted-up text, 1 item. 2/5 Storyboard, 1 item. Dummy, 48 pp. 2/6 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations: end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 2/7-2/8 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 2/7 Covers, 1 item. 2/8 End papers, 2 items, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. THE ART OF AMERICA IN THE EARLY TWENTIETH CENTURY by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1974). 2/9 Typescript: book jacket text, 3 pp., front matter, 3 pp., and body, 28 pp. 2/10 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 2/11 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations: end papers, 1 item, and pp. 3-7, 10-23, 26-39, 44-47, 20 items. THE ART OF AMERICA IN THE GILDED AGE by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan 1974). 3/1 Typescript, 27 pp. Typescript of book jacket text, 4 pp. 3/2 Galley, edited, pp. 2-12. 3/3 Galley, "master set": book jacket text, 3 pp., front matter, 3 pp., body, 13 pp., and revisions, 2 pp. 3/4 Galley of book jacket text, 5 pp. 3/5 Negatives, 16 items. 3/6 Blues, pp. 1-48. 3/7 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 3/8 Layout for title page, 1 item. 3/9 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations: covers, 1 item, end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 3/10 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations: end papers, 2 items, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 3/11 Negatives of layouts: end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 3/12 Color proof for cover illustrations, 1 item. Book jacket, 2 items. THE ART OF AMERICA SINCE WORLD WAR II by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1976). 3/13 Blues, pp. 1-48. 3/14 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations: end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. THE ART OF ANCIENT EGYPT by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Atheneum, 1962). 4/1 Manuscript, 37 pp. 4/2 Typescript, pp. 1, 4-14. 4/3 Typescript, book jacket text, 3 pp., and captions, 5 pp. Typescript, pp. 1-24, and captions, 2 pp.. 4/4 Galley, 10 pp. Galley, 9 pp. Galley with typesetter's marks, 1 p. 4/5 Photograph, 1 item. THE ART OF ANCIENT GREECE by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss (New York: Atheneum, 1963). 4/6 Typescript: front matter, 1 p., captions, 2 pp., and body, pp. 1-27. Typescript, front matter, 1 p., and captions, 3 pp. 4/7 Typescript of book jacket text, 3 pp. Galley of book jacket text, 3 pp. 4/8 Galley: book jacket text, 1p., front matter, 4 pp., and body, 8 pp. 4/9 Blues, pp. 1-48. 4/10 Photograph, 1 item. Book jacket, 1 item. THE ART OF ANCIENT MEXICO by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1968). 4/11 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-19, and captions, 4 pp. 4/12 Typescript, pp. 1-19. 4/13 Typescript: front matter, 4 pp., captions, 5 pp., and body, pp. 1-20. 4/14 Galley, captions, 2 pp., and body, 9 pp. Galley, captions, 2 pp., and body, 9 pp. 4/15 Layouts with sketches, on index cards, 21 items. Copies of index cards, 6 items. 4/16 Dummy with pasted-up illustrations, pp. 1-41. 4/17 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-41. THE ART OF ANCIENT PERU by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1966). 5/1 Typescript, pp. 1-20. Typescript of book jacket text, 4 pp. 5/2 Galley, 13 pp. 5/3 Galley, edited, 13 pp. Galley, edited, 14 pp. 5/4 Storyboard layout, 1 item. Storyboard layout with sketches, 1 item. 5/5 Dummy with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-41. 5/6 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-41. THE ART OF ANCIENT ROME by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss (New York: Harper & Row, 1965). 5/7 Typescript, edited, captions, 4 pp., and pp. 1-20. Typescript, captions, 4 pp. 5/8 Galley, 6 pp. Galley, 9 pp. 5/9 Layout with sketches on tissue paper, 11 items. 5/10 Dummy with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-40. 5/11 Photograph of text for cover, 1 item. Negative of text for cover, 1 item. Layout of text for cover, 1 item. 5/12 Mechanical color separations for cover, 7 items. THE ART OF CHINA by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1973). 5/13 Correspondence, 1 item. Typescript, "original manuscript," 33 pp. 5/14 Typescript, "2nd version," 15 pp. 5/15 Typescript, typesetter's marks: front matter, 5 pp., captions, 4 pp., and body, 26 pp. 5/16 Galley, 26 October 1972, 15 pp. Galley, 26 October 1972, 16 pp. 5/17 Galley, edited, 26 October 1972, 17 pp. 5/18 Miscellaneous galley pages, 11 pp. Miscellaneous galley pages, 3 pp. 6/1 Storyboard layout, 1 item. 6/2 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 6/3 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations, covers, 1 item, end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48. 6/4 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations and text: end papers, 2 items, and pp. 1-48, 25 pp. 6/5 Blues, pp. 1-48. 6/6 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF COLONIAL AMERICA by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1970). 6/7 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-24, and pp. 9-12. 6/8 Typescript: front matter, 2 pp., captions, 5 pp., and body, pp. 1-25. 6/9 Galley, 10 pp. Galley, 10 pp. 6/10 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 7/1 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-48 (missing p. 24- 25). 7/2 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-48. 7/3 Blues, pp. 1-48. 7/4 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. Book jacket, 1 item. THE ART OF EGYPT UNDER THE PHAROAHS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1980). 7/5 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 39 pp. Typescript, captions, 3 pp. 7/6 Storyboard layout, 1 item. 7/7 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF INDIA by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin and Carol Guyer (New York: Macmillan, 1969). 7/8 Typescript, edited, 21 pp. Manuscript pages, 3 pp. 7/9 Typescript, edited, front matter, 9 pp., and pp. 1-24. Typescript, book jacket text, 3 pp. 7/10 Galley, 15 pp. Galley, 10 pp. 7/11 Galley, 15 pp. 7/12 Storyboard layout, 1 item. 7/13 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations: end papers, 2 items, front matter, 3 items, and pp. 3-48, 24 items. 7/14 Layouts for unused pages, 6 pp. 7/15 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. 7/16 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. Book jacket, 1 item. THE ART OF JAPAN by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1970). 8/1 Typescript of book jacket text, 5 pp. 8/2 Galley, 14 pp. Galley, book jacket, 1 p. Galley, front matter, 3 pp. 8/3 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations: end papers, 1 item, title page, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 8/4 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, end papers, 1 item, title page, 1 item, and pp. 4-48, 23 items. 8/5 Layout for title page, 1 item. Book jacket, 1 item. THE ART OF LANDS IN THE BIBLE by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Atheneum, 1963). 8/6 Proposal, 1 item. Typescript, 20 pp. Storyboard layout, 3 items. Photograph, 1 item. 8/7 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1977). 8/8 Blues, pp. 37-48. THE ART OF THE COMIC STRIP by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1979). 8/9 Typescript, edited, 38 pp. 8/10 Typescript, edited and photocopied, 35 pp. Typescript, front matter and captions, 8 pp. 8/11 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, captions, 5 pp., and body, 35 pp. 8/12 Galley, 16 pp. Galley, 16 pp. 8/13-8/14 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 8/13 Book jacket, 1 item. 8/14 End papers, 1 item, , and pp. 1-53, 27 items. 9/1 Blues, pp. 1-53. THE ART OF THE ESKIMOS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss, photographs by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1964). 9/2 Typescript, typesetter's marks, pp. 1-24. 9/3 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 9/4 Book jacket proofs, 4 items. 9/5 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF THE ETRUSCANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographed by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1967). 9/6 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-20. Typescript, edited, pp. 1-20. 9/7 Typescript: captions, 5 pp., front matter, 3 pp., and book jacket text, 2 pp. 9/8 Galley, 12 pp. Galley, 12 pp. Galley of photograph captions, 2 pp. Galley of book jacket text, 1 p. 9/9 Storyboard layouts, 20 items. 9/10 Dummy with pasted-up text and illustrations, pp. 1-41. 9/11 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-41. THE ART OF THE NEW AMERICAN NATION by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1972). 9/12 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-25. 9/13 Typescript, edited, 27 pp. 9/14 Typescript, edited, 31 pp. Galley, 1 p. 9/15 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 10/1 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations, pp. 1-48. 10/2 Negatives, pp. 1-48, 10/3 Blues, pp. 1-48. 10/4 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. 10/5 Book jackets, 30 items. THE ART OF THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss (New York: Harper & Row, 1964). 10/6 Correspondence, 1963, 1 item. Typescript, captions, 6 pp., and body, 28 pp. 10/7 Miscellaneous typescript pages, 15 pp. 10/8 Galley, 12 pp. 10/9 Galley, 13 pp. 10/10 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 10/11 Layouts for book jacket and title page, 2 items. THE ART OF THE NORTHWEST COAST INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1975). 11/1 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 41 pp. 11/2 Galley, 26 pp. 11/3 Photographs, 6 items. 11/4 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 11/5 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations, end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48 (missing p. 3-4), 25 items 11/6 Layouts with pasted-up illustrations, end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 11/7 Negatives, 5 items. 11/8 Book jacket layout, 1 item. Book jacket proofs, 3 items. 11/9 Blues, pp. 1-48. Blues for book jacket, 2 items. THE ART OF THE OLD WEST by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1971). 11/10 Miscellaneous typescript pages, 25 pp. 11/11 Typescript, edited, 26 pp. 11/12 Typescript, edited, 25 pp. 11/13 Typescript, edited, 26 pp. 11/14 Galley, edited, 13 pp. Galley, 12 pp. 11/15 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 11/16 Dummy, pp. 1-48. Layout for title page, 1 item, [Oversized, removed to Box 10, folder 13]. 12/1 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, end papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. 12/2 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, end papers, 2 items, and pp. 1-48, 24 items THE ART OF THE PLAINS INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1975). 12/3 Typescript, edited, pp. 1-42. 12/4 Galley, 13 pp. 12/5 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 12/6-13/1 Layouts with pasted-up text, 12/6 End papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-23, 13 items. 13/1 pp. 24-48, 13 items. 13/2-13/3 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 13/2 End papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 24 items. 13/3 Book jacket, 1 item. 13/4 Blues, pp. 1-48. 13/5 Blues, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF THE SOUTHEASTERN INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1978). 13/6 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 40 pp. 13/7 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, title page, 1item. THE ART OF THE SOUTHWEST INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1971). 14/1 Manuscript, 45 pp. 14/2 Typescript, edited, 27 pp. 14/3 Typescript, 25 pp. 14/4 Typescript, front matter, 3 pp., and pp. 1-25. 14/5 Typescript, book jacket, 2 pp., and body, 26 pp. 14/6 Typescript, 27 pp. 14/7 Miscellaneous typescript pages, 16 pp. 14/8 Galley, pp. 1-10. Galley, pp. 1-10. 14/9 Galley, edited, pp. 1-10. Miscellaneous galley pages, 4 pp. 14/10 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 14/11 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, title page, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. THE ART OF THE SPANISH IN THE UNITED STATES AND PUERTO RICO by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1972). 15/1 Typescript, edited, 26 pp. 15/2 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 25 pp. Typescript, front matter, 7 pp. 15/3 Galley, 15 pp. Galley, 15 pp. 15/4 Dummy, pp. 1-48. 15/5-15/6 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 15/5 End papers, 2 items, title page, 1 item, and pp. 1-21, 12 items. 15/6 pp. 22-48, 14 items, and book jacket, 1 item. 15/7 Blues, pp. 1-48. Press sheet, 1 item. THE ART OF THE VIKINGS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1978). 15/8 Typescript, typesetter's marks, 36 pp. 15/9 Galley, 16 pp. 16/1-16/2 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 16/1 Book jacket, 1 item, end papers, 1 item, title page, 1 item, and pp. 1-27, 13 items. 16/2 pp. 28-48, 11 items. 16/3 Blues, pp. 1-48. THE ART OF THE WOODLAND INDIANS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1976). 16/4 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations: end papers, 1 item, covers, 1 item, and pp. 1-48, 25 items. DIGGING IN ASSYRIA edited by Shirley Glubok, abridged and adapted from Nineveh and Its Remains, by Austen Henry Layard, foreward by Prudence Oliver Harper, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan 1970). 16/5-16/6 Typescript, edited, 16/5 pp. 1-101. 16/6 pp. 102-212. 16/7 Typescript, book jacket and introduction, 6 pp. Galley, book jacket and introduction, 5 pp. 17/1 Galley, "master set," pp. 1-38. 17/2 Dummy, pp. 1-128. 17/3-17/4 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 17/3 pp. 1-59, 30 items. 17/4 pp. 60-128, 35 items. 17/5 Book jackets, 2 items. DISCOVERING THE ROYAL TOMBS AT UR edited by Shirley Glubok, abridged and adapted from Ur Excavations; The Royal Cemetery by C. Leonard Woolley, foreword by Prudence Oliver Harper, designed by Gerard Nook, photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1969). 17/6-17/7 Typescript, 17/6 pp. 1-42. 17/7 pp. 43-115. 17/8 Typescript, front matter and book jacket, 15 pp. 18/1 Galley, typesetter's marks, 7 pp. 18/2 Galley, pp. 1-44. 18/3 Galley, pp. 1-44. 18/4 Proof, 70 pp. 18/5 Photograph, 1 item. 19/1 Storyboard layout, 1 item. 19/2 Dummy, pp. 1-124. 19/3 Blues, pp. 1-124. 19/4 Book jackets, 2 items. DISCOVERING TUT-ANKH-AMEN'S TOMB edited by Shirley Glubok from The Tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen by Howard Carter and A.C. Mace, foreword by Eric Young, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1968). 19/5-19/6 Typescript, 19/5 Book jacket, 2 pp., front matter, 10 pp., and pp. 1-55. 19/6 pp. 56-122. 19/7 Galley, book jacket and front matter, 6 pp., and pp. 1-35. 19/8 Book jacket, 1 item. DOLLS, DOLLS, DOLLS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographed by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Follett Publishing Company, 1975). 20/1 Storyboard layout, 1 item. Photographs, 5 items. DOLL'S HOUSES: LIFE IN MINIATURE by Shirley Glubok (New York: Harper & Row, 1984). 20/2 Typescript, "original typescript," pp. 1-7. 20/3 Typescript, 36 pp. 20/4-20/5 Typescript, edited with typesetter's marks, 20/4 Front matter, 6 pp., and pp. 1-41. 20/5 pp. 42-80, and index, 8 pp. 20/6 Galley, "1st Proof," edited, 16 February 1983, pp. 1-34. 20/7 Galley, "2nd Proof," 29 February 1984, front matter, 2 pp., and pp. 1-32. 20/8 Galley pages, March 1984, 6 pp. 20/9 Proof pages, 5 pp. Photocopies of layouts, 3 items. 20/10 Blues, pp. 1-99. 20/11 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-99. 20/12 Book jacket, 1 item THE FALL OF THE AZTECS edited by Shirley Glubok, illustrations selected and adapted by Leslie Tillett, designed by Leslie Tillett (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965). 21/1 Manuscript, 6 pp. 21/2 Typescript, edited, 21/3 pp. 1-54. 21/4 pp. 55-111. 21/5 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-101. 21/6 Book jackets, 2 items. THE FALL OF THE INCAS by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Macmillan, 1967). 21/7 Research material, 46 pp. 45 pp. 21/8 Typescript, 16 pp. 22/1 Typescript, edited, foreword, 2 pp., and pp. 1-77. 22/2 Galley, pp. 1-19. Galley, 6 pp. 22/3 Dummy, pp. 1-113. 22/4-22/6 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 22/4 Book jacket, 1 item. 22/5 End papers, 1 item, and pp. 1-47, 24 items. 22/6 pp. 48-113, 33 items. 22/7 Press sheets (folded), 2 items. 22/8 Book jackets, 2 items. HOME AND CHILD LIFE IN THE COLONIAL DAYS edited by Shirley Glubok, abridged and edited from Home Life in Colonial Days and Child Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle, special photography by Alfred Tamarin (New York: Macmillan, 1969). 23/1 Research notes on photographs, 1 notebook. Research notes on photographs, 9 pp. 23/2-24/3 Typescript, edited, 23/2 pp. 1-88. 23/3 pp. 89-173. 23/4 pp. 174-277. 23/5 pp. 278-324. 24/1 pp. 325-389. 24/2 pp. 404-471. 24/3 pp. 472-545. 24/4 Typescript, front matter, 6 pp. Galley, front matter, 3 pp., and captions, 7 pp. 24/5-25/1 Galley, typesetter's marks, pp. 1-102 24/5 pp. 1-49. 25/1 pp. 50-102. 25/2-25/3 Blues, 25/2 Front matter, 10 pp., and pp. 1-166. 25/3 pp. 167-357. 25/4 Book jacket, 1 item. KNIGHTS IN ARMOR by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook (New York: Harper & Row, 1969). 25/5 Typescript, edited, captions, 6 pp., and pp. 1-26. 25/6 Typescript, edited, 31 pp., and captions, 5 pp. 25/7 Galley, 9 October 1968, pp. 1-8. 26/1-26/2 Layouts with pasted-up text and illustrations, 26/1 pp. 2-19, 9 items. 26/2 pp. 20-48, 15 items. 26/3 Miscellaneous layouts, 5 items. 26/4 Folded and gathered sheets, pp. 1-48. THE MUMMY OF RAMOSE: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF AN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN NOBLEMAN by Shirley Glubok and Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper & Row, 1976). 27/1-27/2 Typescript, edited, 27/1 pp. 1-35. 27/2 pp. 36-63. 27/3 Typescript, captions, 4 pp., and index, 12 pp. 27/4 Galley, front matter, 7 pp., back matter, 10 pp., and captions, 5 pp. 27/5 Galley, body, 3 pp., back matter, 5 pp., and captions, 5 pp. 27/6 Proof, "1st pass," typesetter's marks, 47 pp. 27/7 Proof, "2nd pass," typesetter's marks, pp. 1-60. 27/8-27/9 Proof, 27/8 Front matter, 11 pp., captions, 5 pp., and pp. 1-44. 27/9 pp. 45-74, and back matter, 9 pp. 27/10 Proof, photocopy, body, 3 pp., index, 4 pp., and captions, 4 pp. OLYMPIC GAMES IN ANCIENT GREECE by Shirley Glubok and Alfred Tamarin (New York: Harper Collins, 1976). 27/11-28/1 Typescript, edited, 27/11 Front matter, 2 pp., and body, 42 pp. 28/1 Body, 37 pp., and back matter, 6 pp. 28/2 Typescript, index, 10 pp. 28/3 Typescript, captions, 5 pp. Galleys, captions, 12 pp. 28/4 Typescript, book jacket, 4 pp. Galleys, book jacket, 3 pp. Layout, 1 item. 28/5 Proof, bound: front matter, 6 pp., pp. 1-67, and back matter, pp. 68- 72. 28/6 Proof, "author's 1st pass," 6 February 1976: front matter, 3 pp., pp. 1- 68, and back matter, 12 pp. 28/7 Proof, "master set, 1st pass," 6 February 1976: front matter, 6 pp., pp. 1-67, and back matter, 6 pp. 28/8 Proof, "master set, 1st pass, revised," 18 February 1976: front matter, 5 pp., body, 72 pp., and back matter, 7 pp. 28/9 Proof, photocopy of "1st pass, revised," 18 February 1976: captions, 4 pp., front matter, 6 pp., body, pp. 1-72, and back matter, pp. 73-79. 28/10-29/1 Proof, "master set, 2nd pass," 22 March 1976, 28/10 Front matter, 8 pp., and pp. 9-58. 29/1 pp. 59-102, and back matter, pp. 103-115. 29/2 Proof, photocopied, 28 April 1976: front matter, 4 pp., body, 46 pp., and back matter, 5 pp. 29/3 Proof, index, 6 pp. Proof, photocopy, front matter, 2 pp., and back matter, 13 pp. 29/4 Dummy, photocopy: front matter, 4 pp., body, 49 pp., and back matter, 6 pp. 29/5 Blues, pp. 1-32, pp. 89-120. Publicity material, 1 item. PAINTING by Shirley Glubok (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994). 29/6-29/10 Typescript, 29/6 4 chapters, 58 pp. 29/7 5 chapters, 57 pp. 29/8 4 chapters, 68 pp. 29/9 4 chapters, 66 pp. 29/10 3 chapters, 46 pp. 30/1 Typescript, "Michelangelo," 16 pp. 30/2-30/6 Typescript, edited, 30/2 pp. 3-70. 30/3 pp. 71-143. 30/4 pp. 144-194. 30/5 pp. 195-261. 30/6 pp. 262-323. 30/7 Typescript, photocopy, front matter, 6 pp., and various chapters, 83 pp. 31/1-31/2 Proof, edited, 31/1 6 chapters, 82 pp. 31/2 6 chapters, 76 pp. 31/3 Proof, bound: front matter, 10 pp., body, pp. 1-236, and back matter, pp. 237-238. Book jacket proof, photocopy, 2 pp. VOYAGING TO CATHAY : AMERICANS IN THE CHINA TRADE by Alfred Tamarin and Shirley Glubok (New York: Viking Press, 1976). 31/4 Manuscript, captions and credits, 24 pp. Typescript, captions, 3 pp. Typescript, captions, 6 pp. Typescript, captions, 9 pp. 31/5-31/6 Typescript, edited, 31/5 56 pp. 31/6 60 pp. 32/1 Typescript, corrected pages, 57 pp. Typescript, corrected pages, 6 pp. 32/2-32/3 Typescript, edited, 32/2 pp. 1-76. 32/3 pp. 77-159. 32/4 Galley, pp. 1-37. Galley, captions, 9 pp. 32/5 Typescript, "author's changes," 18 November 1975, 1 item. Galley, front matter, captions, and index, 4 pp. Galley, captions, 9 pp. Galley, corrected pages, 4 pp.B. Articles and Miscellaneous Writings (1975-1991)
33/1 "Art and History," for Teacher Magazine, October 1975, 14 pp. 33/2 Article for Columbia University Magazine, Typescript, 13 pp. Typescript, 14 pp. 33/3 Revisions for article in Freedom's Ground (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980), 23 pp. 33/4 "Glimpses of Holland's Golden Age," Connoisseur (December 1984), Galley, 5 pp. Photocopy of published article, 2 copies, 20 pp. 33/5 Art reviews for La Voz Hispana, 4 articles, 10 pp. "Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries," in Review: Latin American Literature and Arts (January-June 1991), photocopy of published article, 7 pp. "Millet...Young Shepardess," typescript, 11 pp. 33/6 "National Gallery of Art," published in Riders on the Earth (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, n.d.) Typescript, edited, 14 pp. Typescript, edited, 13 pp. Photocopy of dummy (?), 26 pp. 33/7-33/8 "Reading a Picture," in textbook, Wind by the Sea (Needham, MA: Silver Burdett & Ginn, n.d.), 33/7 Photocopy of manuscript, 4 pp. Typescript, 9 pp. Typescript, 20 March, 7 pp. Typescript, 7 pp. 33/8 Typescript, 11 June 1987, 11 pp. Galley, 9 pp. Proof, front matter, 1 p., and index, 3 pp. Photocopy of published article, 12 pp. 33/9 Article published in textbook, Riders on the Earth (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, n.d.), typescript, 3 pp. 33/10 "Viking Warriors and Viking Women," in Scanorama (February 1981), Typescript, pp. 1-9. Photocopy of published article, 5 pp.C. Miscellaneous Items (1962, n.d.)
33/11 Article in St. Louis Globe-Democrat (September 21, 1962), 1 p. Autobiography in Something About the Author Autobiography Series, Volume 7, Typescript, 34 pp. Photocopy of published article, 9 pp. Layouts, unidentified, 3 items [removed to Box 26, folder 5]. 33/12 Photographs of artwork, 2 items. Publicity material, 2 items.
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Inclusive Dates: 1968; 1990-1994
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of Ancient Mexico by Shirley Glubok, photography by Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1968.
Auction Forum (periodical), April 1990.
article and typescript
Painting by Shirley Glubok; Scribner, 1994.
Inclusive Dates: 1972-1975; 1991-1999
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Painting by Shirley Glubok; Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994.
bound, uncorrected advance proof
Art of the Spanish in the United States and Puerto Rico by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1972.
Corrected typescript, first draft, 22 pages;
Corrected typescript, second draft, 24 pages;
Typewritten draft of front and back cover copy, 4 pages;
Photocopy of corrected publicity/catalogue copy, 1 page.
"Arms and Armor Gallery Guide," Metropolitan Museum of Art, 8-6-91. [not published]
"Armor ( Yoroi Type) (early 14 th cen.)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected typescript, 2 pages;
"ARMOR (GUS _ KU) (17th cen)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected typescript, 1 page;
"16. ARMOR (GUSOKU) (17TH Cen)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected photocopy, 1 page;
"PAIR OF SWORD BLADES (DAISH _ ) (19 th cen)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected typescript, 1 page;
"18. PAIR OF SWORD BLADES (19TH cen)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected photocopy, 1 page;
"Turban Helmet (15th cen.)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected typescript, 1 page;
"20. TURBAN HELMET (15TH Century)" by Shirley Glubok, corrected photocopy, 1 page.The Art of the Northwest Coast Indians by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1975.
corrected typewritten draft of front and back cover copy, 3 pages.
Handwritten note dated November 3, 1999.
Inclusive Dates: 1982-1999
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
"John Walsh– Steady at the Getty," by Shirley Glubok; Columbia–The Magazine of Columbia University December 1988, pp.32-33.
Original typescript
Published article
"Art Nirvana at the Met," by Shirley Glubok; Columbia–The Magazine of Columbia University April 1988; p. 48.
Original typescript ["Barbara Ford"]
Published article
"Imperial Austria," by Shirley Glubok; published in Arts & Antiques , no date, 2 pp.
Original typescript
"Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires" by Shirley Glubok, article, not published, 4 pp.
Original typescript
"Getty Bronze" by Shirley Glubok, book chapter, not published, 14 pp.
Original typescript
"Ginevra de' Benci" by Shirley Glubok, book chapter, unpublished, 13 pp.
Original typescript
"Blue Boy, Huntington Library" by Shirley Glubok, book chapter, unpublished, 8 pp.
Original typescript
"Burgonet (1543)" by Shirley Glubok, gallery guide to Arms and Armor, Metropolitan Museum of Art, not published.
Original typescript
"The Henry Moore Sculpture Reserve," by Shirley Glubok; Columbia–The Magazine of Columbia University October 1986, pp. 35-38.
Published article
"Ah, The Doll's House," by Shirley Glubok; Columbia–The Magazine of Columbia University December 1985, pp. 24-28.
Published article
"Titania's Palace," by Shirley Glubok; Scanorama , July-August 1983, pp. 110-111.
Published article
"Tiny Treasures," by Shirley Glubok; Scanorama , December 1982-January 1983, pp.91-93.
Published article
"Sweden's Newest Museum Was a Work in Progress for Centuries," by Shirley Glubok; Museum News , March/April 1991, pp. 18-20.
Published article
"Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids," by Shirley Glubok; La Voz Hispana, December 16, 1999, p. 1.
Published article
"Expert Opinion: Shirley Glubok on Liberty Pewter," by Shirley Glubok; Auction Forum U.S.A., May 1990, p. 1 and 3.
Published article
Inclusive Dates: [n.d.]
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Unpublished typescript on Albrecht Durer by Shirley Glubok
"Art of Aztec Mexico: Treasures of Tenochtitlan," by Shirley Glubok for Arts & Auction
"Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries," by Shirley Glubok
"19th and 20th Century Chinese Paintings from the Ellsworth Collection at the Metropolitan Museum," by Shirley Glubok
Inclusive Dates:1971; [n.d.]
Volume: .60 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
"Arms and Armor" gallery guide
Typescripts and draft
Article by Shirley Glubok for Magazine Connoisseur
Published article
Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
Photocopy of typescript
Original map and five photographs for various publications
Inclusive Dates: [n.d.]
Volume: .60 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Original map and twenty photographs for publication
Inclusive Dates: [n.d.]
Volume: .30 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Inclusive Dates: 1966-1979
Volume: .23 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of India by Shirley Glubok, Alfred H. Tamarin, and Carol Guyer; Macmillan, 1969.
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1979.
The Art of China by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1973.
The Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
Edited typescript [early draft]
The Art of Ancient Peru by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
The Art of Japan by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1970.
Photograph/art list
Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
The Art of the Eskimo by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1964.
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
Color separation w/overlay [black & white]
Publicity/ordering information
The Art of Photography by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1976.
American Sculpture by Shirley Glubok; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973.
Book cover
"Young Pablo Picasso" by Shirley Glubok [currently unpublished]
Edited typescript w/notes
Early typescript
General correspondence
Articles re: dolls [written by Shirley Glubok]
Article re: Swedish glass [written by Shirley Glubok]
Poster of unidentified Asian artwork
Inclusive Dates: ca. 1979
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Cartoon Library and Museum
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1979.
Negatives/transparencies of comic strips
Contact prints of comic strips
Inclusive Dates: 1964-1978
Volume: .10 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of the North American Indian by Shirley Glubok and Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1964.
Front cover, transparency
The Art of Woodland Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1976.
Front cover, transparency
The Art of the Southeastern Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1978.
Front cover, transparency
Back cover, transparency
The Art of Ancient Mexico by Shirley Glubok, Gerard Nook, and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1968.
Front cover, transparency
Back cover, transparency
Ancient Indians of the Southwest by Alfred H. Tamarin and Shirley Glubok; Doubleday, 1975.
Front jacket, transparency
Back jacket, transparency
Inclusive Dates: 1966-1980
Volume: .40 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Dolls' Houses: Life in Miniature by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1984.
Book jacket
Art & Archaeology by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
Book jacket
Discovering Tut-ankh-Amen's Tomb edited by Shirley Glubok [from The Tomb of Tut-ankh-Amen by Howard Carter and A.C. Mace]; Macmillan, 1968.
Book jacket
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1979.
Book jacket
The Art of the Vikings by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1978.
Book jacket
The Art of Egypt Under the Pharaohs by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1980.
Book jacket
Inclusive Dates: 1975-1979; [n.d.]
Volume: .30 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin, designed by Gerard Nook; Follett Publishing Co., 1975.
Photographs [52]
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1979.
Photographs [45]
Negatives [2]
Correspondence to the de Grummond Collection
Inclusive Dates: [n.d.]
Volume: .10 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Untitled book on Albrecht Dϋrer by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
Inclusive Dates: 1962 - 1991
Volume: .30 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Follett Publishing Co., 1975.
Publicity/ordering information
The Art of Ancient Egypt by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1962.
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1979.
The Mummy of Ramose: The Life and Death of an Ancient Egyptian Nobleman by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1978.
The Art of Lands in the Bible by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Atheneum, 1963.
Ordering information
Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
Publicity/ordering information
Dolls’ Houses: Life in Miniature by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1984.
Ordering information
The Art of the Spanish in the United States and Puerto Rico by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1972.
Publicity/ordering information
Art credit list
The Art of the Eskimo by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1964.
The Art of the Northwest Coast Indians by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1975.
Publicity/ordering information
The Art of America in the Gilded Age by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1974.
Publicity/ordering information
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen’s Tomb by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1968.
Publicity/ordering information
The Art of the North American Indian by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1964.
Publicity/ordering information
The Fall of the Incas by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1967.
The Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1971.
The Art of Ancient Mexico by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1968.
The Art of the New American Nation by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1972.
Publicity/ordering information
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
Publicity/ordering information
American Sculpture by Shirley Glubok; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1973.
Publicity/ordering information
The Art of the Southwest Indians by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1971.
Award certificate
Award certificate [photocopy]
The Art of America Since World War II by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1976.
Publicity/ordering information
Digging in Assyria by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1970.
Discovering the Royal Tombs at Ur by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1969.
The Art of Japan by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1970.
Negative/slide of book cover
The Art of Ancient Rome by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1965.
Negative/slide of book cover
The Art of Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss; Atheneum, 1963.
Negative/slide of book cover
The Art of Africa by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1965.
Negative/slide of book cover
The Art of India by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin and Carol Guyer; Macmillan, 1969.
Negative/slide [2]
Home and Child in Colonial Days by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1969.
Negative/slide of book cover [2]
The Art of the Etruscans by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1967.
“Picasso: The Early Years, 1892-1906” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
Typescript [2]
“The Blumenthal Patio at the Metropolitan Museum of Art” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
“Christmas Tree at Metropolitan Museum” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
“Portraits from the IBM Collection” by Shirley Glubok in NY Review of Art, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
“Egyptian Art in Age of the Pyramids” by Shirley Glubok [publication information unknown]. [exhibit review]
Untitled review of Renoir exhibit by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
“Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana, [n.d.]. [exhibit review]
Published review
Published review [photocopy]
“Titania’s Palace” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama, July-August 1983. [article]
Published article
“Tiny Treasures” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama, December 1982-January 1983. [article]
Published article
“Art Nirvana at the Met” by Shirley Glubok in Columbia, April 1988. [article]
Published article [photocopy]
“Art and History” by Shirley Glubok and Alfred Tamarin in Teacher, October 1975. [article]
Published article [photocopy]
“Sweden’s Newest Museum was a Work in Progress for Centuries” by Shirley Glubok in Museum News, March-April 1991. [article]
Published article [photocopy]
“The Dolls’ House of Petronella de la Court” by Shirley Glubok in Antiques, [n.d.]. [article]
Published article [photocopy]
“Early Navajo Textiles” by Shirley Glubok in Auction Forum U.S.A., April 1990. [article]
Published article [photocopy]
Biographical information
Miscellaneous items
Inclusive Dates: [n.d.]
Volume: .20 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
“Papa is a Painter” by Shirley Glubok Tamarin [currently unpublished]
Notes [handwritten]
Photograph slides and transparencies
Inclusive Dates: 1962 - 2000
Volume: .35 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
Home and Child Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle, edited by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1969.
Book jacket
Knights in Armor by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1969.
The Fall of the Incas by Shirley Glubok; The Macmillan Company, 1967.
Publication information
Illustration proof [2]
Book jacket
Digging in Assyria edited by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1970.
Publication information
The Art of the Southwest Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
Publication information
Promotional material
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen’s Tomb by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1968.
Publication information
Promotional material
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
Excerpt/promotional material
The Art of America from Jackson to Lincoln by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1973.
The Art of Ancient Egypt by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1962.
Promotional material
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1979.
Publication information
Promotional material
Discovering the Royal Tombs at Ur by Leonard Woolley and Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1969.
Publication information
Promotional material
Library catalog card
Book jacket
The Art of Photography by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1977.
The Art of the Spanish in the United States and Puerto Rico by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1972.
Promotional materials
Voyaging to Cathay: Americans in the China Trade by Shirley Glubok; Viking Press, 1976.
Promotional correspondence
The Art of America in the Early 20th Century by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1974.
Dolls’ Houses: Life in Miniature by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1984.
Photographs [color transparencies]
The Art of Africa by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1965.
The Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
The Art of China by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1973.
Promotional correspondence
The Art of Ancient Rome by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1965.
Publication information
Book jacket
The Art of Ancient Mexico by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1968.
Galley [edited]
The Art of the Woodland Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1976.
Promotional material
The Art of the Eskimo by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1964.
The Art of Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1963.
The Art of the Vikings by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1978.
The Art of America in the Gilded Age by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1974.
The Art of America Since World War II by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1976.
The Art of Egypt Under the Pharaohs by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1980.
The Art of India by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, Macmillan, 1969.
The Art of the Plains Indians by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1975.
The Art of the New American Nation by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1972.
The Art of the North American Indian by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1964.
The Art of Japan by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1970.
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Follett Publishing Co., 1975.
Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
Photo negative of book cover
Great Lives: Painting by Shirley Glubok; Scribner, 1994.
Published chapter on “El Greco” [photocopy]
“Mexico: Splendors of Thirty Centuries” by Shirley Glubok in Review: Latin American Literature and Arts; January-June 1991.
Published article/tearsheets
“The Viking Woman” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama; February 1981.
Published article/tearsheets
“The Dollhouses of Petronella de la Court” by Shirley Glubok in The Magazine Antiques; 1990.
Typescript [edited]
“Glimpses of Holland’s Golden Age” by Shirley Glubok in Connoisseur; December 1984.
Typescript [“Dutch Dolls’ Houses”]
“Sweden’s Newest Museum was a Work in Progress for Centuries” by Shirley Glubok in Museum News; March/April, 1991.
Published article [photocopy]
“Treasures From the Royal Tombs of Ur” by Shirley Glubok-Tamarin in The Nexus of Queens; 1 October 2000.
Published article
“Egyptian Art in Age of the Pyramids” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; December 16-22, 1999.
Published article
“The Art of Armor” by Shirley Glubach [Glubok] in Art and Antiques; February 1992.
Published article [photocopy]
“Dutch Dolls’ Houses” by Shirley Glubok Tamarin in Miniature Collector; June 1985.
“The Henry Moore Sculpture Reserve at Arden House by Shirley Glubok in Columbia; October 1986.
Published article [photocopy]
"Titania's Palace," by Shirley Glubok; Scanorama, July-August 1983.
Photo negatives/transparencies
“Picasso: The Early Years: 1892-1906” by Shirley Glubok [Review of exhibition at National Gallery and Boston Fine Arts Museum, publication information unknown].
“Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished].
Untitled book on Albrecht Durer by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
Biographical information
Events and speaking engagements
Awards and recognition
Publisher publicity
Photograph slides/transparencies of book covers
Curriculum for art history lectures and gallery talks
Articles by others featuring Shirley Glubok’s work
Fan mail
Miscellaneous writings
Inclusive Dates: 1962 - 2013
Volume: .35 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of the Etruscans by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1967.
Radio transcript
Book jacket
Publication information
The Art of Colonial America by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1970.
Book jacket
Photograph [negative] of book cover
Publication information
The Art of the Southwest Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
Publication information
The Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
Publication information
Voyaging to Cathay: Americans in the China Trade by Shirley Glubok; Viking Press, 1976.
Publication information
The Art of the Southeastern Indians by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1978.
Publication information
The Art of Ancient Rome by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1965.
Radio transcript
Publication information
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen’s Tomb by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1968.
Publication information
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
Publication information
The Art of Africa by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1965.
Publication information
The Art of Egypt Under the Pharaohs by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1980.
Publication information
The Art of Photography by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1977.
Publication information
The Mummy of Ramose: The Life and Death of an Ancient Egyptian Nobleman by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1978.
Publication information
The Art of the New American Nation by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1972.
Publication information
Dolls, Dolls, Dolls by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Follett Publishing Co., 1975.
Publication information
Home and Child Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle, edited by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1969.
Photograph [negative] of book cover
The Art of America in the Early 20th Century by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1974.
Publication information
The Art of the Spanish in the United States and Puerto Rico by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1972.
Publication information
The Art of China by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1973.
Publication information
The Art of the Vikings by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1978.
Publication information
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1979.
The Art of Ancient Egypt by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1962.
Great Lives: Painting by Shirley Glubok; Scribner, 1994.
Book jacket
The Art of America from Jackson to Lincoln by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1973.
Publication information
The Art of Japan by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1970.
The Fall of the Aztecs by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Shirley Glubok, and Alfred Percival Mandslay; St. Martin’s Press, 1965.
Publication information
The Art of America in the Gilded Age by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1974.
Publication information
The Art of the North American Indian by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1964.
Discovering the Royal Tombs at Ur by Leonard Woolley and Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1969.
Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1966.
Publication information
The Art of India by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, Macmillan, 1969.
The Art of the Woodland Indians by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1976.
Knights in Armor by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1969.
The Art of the Plains Indians by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Macmillan, 1975.
The Art of America Since World War II by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1976.
Dolls’ Houses: Life in Miniature by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1984.
Publication information
The Art of Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1963.
The Art of Ancient Mexico by Shirley Glubok and Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1968.
The Art of the Eskimo by Shirley Glubok; Harper & Row, 1964.
“Picasso and Portraiture: Representation and Transformation” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; May 23-29, 1996.
Published article [2]
“Swedish Glass” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; February 6-12, 1997.
Published article
“Still More Distant Journeys: The Artistic Emigration of Lasar Segall” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; March 26-April 1, 1998.
Published article
“Jackson Pollack at the Museum of Modern Art” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; February 10-17, 1999.
Published article
“Christmas Past” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; January 1-7, 1998.
Published article [2]
“Impressionists of the Seine” by Shirley Glubok Tamarin in La Voz Hispana; [n.d.].
Published article [2]
“Early Navajo Textiles” by Shirley Glubok in Auction Forum U.S.A.; April 1990.
Published article
“Visiting San Diego” by Shirley Glubok in Nuestro Mundo; September 1996.
Published article
“Treasures From the Royal Tombs of Ur” by Shirley Glubok-Tamarin in The Nexus of Queens; 1 October 2000.
Published article [2]
“Sweden’s Newest Museum was a Work in Progress for Centuries” by Shirley Glubok in Museum News; March/April, 1991.
Published article [2]
“Winslow Homer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; July 11-17, 1996.
Published article [3]
“Spanish Polychrome Sculpture (1500-1800)/Spanish Institute” by Shirley Glubok in The New York Review of Art; April 1994.
Published review [2]
“19th and 20th Century Chinese Paintings From the Ellsworth Collection at the Metropolitan Museum” by Shirley Glubok in The Nexus of Queens; May 20, 2001.
Published article [photocopy]
“Tiny Treasures” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama; December 1982-January 1983.
Published article
“Mistress of the House, Mistress of Heaven: Women in Ancient Egypt” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; April 10-16, 1997.
Published article [3]
“Queen Nefertiti and the Royal Women” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; December 5-11, 1996.
Published article [3]
“Corot” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; October 31-November 6, 2013.
Published article [2]
“Modern and Contemporary Art of the Dominican Republic” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; June 27-July 3, 1996.
Published article
“The Art of Maria Izquierdo” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; July 31-August 5, 1997.
Published article
“Picasso: The Early Years: 1892-1906” by Shirley Glubok [Review of exhibition at National Gallery and Boston Fine Arts Museum, publication information unknown].
Typescript [2]
“Sotheby’s” by Shirley Glubok [publication information unknown]
Published article
Untitled article on Picasso and bullfighting by Shirley Glubok [publication information unknown].
Manuscript [handwritten]
Biographical material
Appearances and events (publicity, etc.)
Miscellaneous writings
Inclusive Dates: 1965 - 2001
Volume: .35 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of Japan by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Macmillan, 1970.
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1979.
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen’s Tomb by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1968.
The Art of the New American Nation by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1972.
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
“The Spirit of Olympia” audio tape
The Art of Ancient Rome by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1965.
The Art of Colonial America by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1970.
Photograph slides
Ancient Indians of the Southwest by Alfred H. Tamarin and Shirley Glubok; Doubleday, 1975.
Photograph slide of book jacket
Art of the Southwest Indians by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1971.
Photograph slide of book jacket
Knights in Armor by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Harper & Row, 1969.
Photograph slide of book jacket
“Young Picasso” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished?]
Notes [handwritten]
Book proposal [2]
1st proof, incomplete [photocopy]
Miscellaneous proof pages [photocopy]
The Artist Paints Himself by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
Photograph slides
“Treasures From the Royal Tombs of Ur” by Shirley Glubok-Tamarin in The Nexus of Queens; 1 October 2000.
Published article
Published article [photocopy]
“Tiny Treasures” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama; December 1982-January 1983.
Published article/tearsheet [2]
“John Walsh: Steady at the Getty” by Shirley Glubok in Columbia; December 1988.
Published article
“Ah! The Doll’s House!” by Shirley Glubok in Columbia; December 1985.
Published article/tearsheet
“The Henry Moore Sculpture Reserve at Arden House” by Shirley Glubok in Columbia; October 1986.
Published article/tearsheet
“Glimpses of Holland’s Golden Age” by Shirley Glubok in Connoisseur; December 1984.
Published article/tearsheet [3]
“Picasso: The Early Years: 1892-1906” by Shirley Glubok [Review of exhibition at National Gallery and Boston Fine Arts Museum, publication information unknown].
“Dutch Art Nouveau Ceramics in the Princessehof” by Shirley Glubok in Magazine Antiques [date unknown].
“Egyptian Art in Age of the Pyramids” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; December 16-22, 1999.
Published article [photocopy]
“The Viking Woman” by Shirley Glubok in Scanorama; February 1981.
Published article [photocopy]
“Sweden’s Newest Museum was a Work in Progress for Centuries” by Shirley Glubok in Museum News; March/April, 1991.
Published article [photocopy]
“Still More Distant Journeys: The Artistic Emigration of Lasar Segall” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; March 26-April 1, 1998.
Published article
“Picasso and Portraiture” by Shirley Glubok in Nuestro Mundo; August 1996.
Published article
“Christmas Past” by Shirley Glubok in La Voz Hispana; January 1-7, 1998.
Published article
“19th and 20th Century Chinese Paintings from the Ellsworth Collection at the Metropolitan Museum” by Shirley Glubok in The Nexus of Queens; May 20, 2001.
Published article
“The True Poetry: The Art of Maria Izquierdo” by Shirley Glubok; La Voz Hispana; July 3-August 5, 1997.
Published article
Articles re: Shirley Glubok
Audio tape of interview w/WNYC [no date]
Folder of biographical information
Awards and recognition
Lectures/gallery talks
Inclusive Dates: 1962 - 1985
Volume: .25 cubic ft.
Given By : Shirley Glubok Tamarin
Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).
Form of Material:
The Art of the North American Indian by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1964.
Copyright documents
Olympic Games in Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1976.
The Art of the Old West by Shirley Glubok; Macmillan, 1971.
The Art of Ancient Egypt by Shirley Glubok; Atheneum, 1962.
Publishing contract
The Art of the Vikings by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1978.
The Art of the Comic Strip by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1979.
Art and Archaeology by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Harper & Row, 1966.
The Fall of the Aztecs by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, edited by Shirley Glubok; St. Martin’s Press, 1965.
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen’s Tomb by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Macmillan, 1968.
The Art of Ancient Greece by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Oscar Krauss; Atheneum, 1963.
Copyright documents
The Art of Lands in the Bible by Shirley Glubok, designed by Gerard Nook; Atheneum, 1963.
Copyright documents
Art of the Eskimo by Shirley Glubok, photographs by Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1964.
Copyright documents
The Art of Ancient Rome by Shirley Glubok, designed by Oscar Krauss; Harper & Row, 1965.
The Art of Africa by Shirley Glubok, photoraphs by Alfred H. Tamarin; Harper & Row, 1965.
“Ah! The Doll’s House!” by Shirley Glubok in Columbia; December 1985.
Published article/tearsheet
“Glimpses of Holland’s Golden Age” by Shirley Glubok in Connoisseur; December 1984.
Partial typescript
“Young Picasso” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
Typescript chapter
Handwritten manuscript
“Albrecht Durer” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
“About Faces” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
“Behind the Senes at a Museum” by Shirley Glubok [unpublished]
General correspondence
Biographical information
Workshop/lecture materials
Photograph slides [2]
The de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
The University of Southern Mississippi
118 College Drive, #5148
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
(601) 266-4349
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University of Southern Mississippi