From Calvin to Rembrandt: Selections from the Sam E. Woods Collection
News item published on: 2015-04-10 14:52:40In 1952, Sam E. Woods donated his collection of rare books, furniture, prints, and paintings to The University of Southern Mississippi. To honor Woods, a former professor at Southern Miss, and his brother Clarence, a Southern Miss employee, the University dedicated a room to house the donations. Over the years, the Woods Room has been located in a handful of locations around campus eventually finding a permanent home in McCain Library & Archives.
The exhibit From Calvin to Rembrandt: Selections from the Sam E. Woods Collection showcases some of the wonderful items donated to the university including art by Durer and Rembrandt, a 1551 printing of John Calvin on the letters of St. Paul, and other examples of books on religion, politics, and literature. The exhibit highlights the elaborate bookbindings and illustrations of the materials featuring a selection of miniature books.
From Calvin to Rembrandt: Selections from the Sam E. Woods Collection will be on display on the third floor of McCain Library and Archives until August 21, 2015. If you have any questions about the exhibit or the Woods Room, contact Jennifer Brannock at or 601.266.4347.