University Libraries Things to Know
News item published on: 2020-03-26 14:48:00University Libraries and iTech Offering Remote Access Computer Service
Selected computers in Cook Library and Gulf Coast Library are now available exclusively for remote access by University students, faculty, and staff.
These computers provide access to the same software typically installed on public computers in the libraries, including GMetrix, SPSS, and Office 365. The remote access facilitates continued use of public computers as a resource while maintaining social distancing within library buildings.
At the moment, these computers are identified within the buildings by simple signage.
To learn more about remote access, view iTech's page here.
Libraries Accepting Return of Books and Materials
University Libraries is now accepting returns of books and materials. Items from Cook, Gulf Coast and Gunter Libraries may be returned via book drops at Cook Library and the Gulf Coast Library or by mail. No fines or fees will be assessed for these materials.
Email access.services@usm.edu with questions or concerns.
Mailing Addresses: USM Cook Library 118 College Drive #5053 Hattiesburg, MS 39406
USM Gulf Coast Library 730 East Beach Blvd. #5128 Long Beach, MS 39560
USM Gunter Library 703 East Beach Drive #5118 Ocean Springs, MS 39564
Cook, Gulf Coast, McCain and Gunter Libraries Are Closed
As of April 2 at 5 p.m., all library locations are closed until further notice. Many library services will continue to be provided virtually. Visit the University's Covid-19 Response page for the most current information.
Online Resources
Online resources are available on campus or off campus. Off-campus users will log in using their CampusID and password.
Online Tutorials
Mendeley for Citation Management Zotero for Citation Management EndNote for Citation Management Using Interlibrary Loan Effectively Preventing Plagiarism
Guide for Online Students
This guide provides a starting point for students in Southern Miss' online courses and programs. Many of the resources available to the Southern Miss community at large are also accessible to online students via the Libraries' website, including e-books, journal articles, digital media, and more. Click here for the guide.
Faculty Toolbox for Online Learning
This guide serves to bring together a variety of resources that will be beneficial to faculty transitioning to online learning. It includes quick links and information for several of the online available resources and to course resources and information from publishers and other entities that are providing additional content for faculty at this time. Click here to view the guide.
Loan Periods
Loan periods have been extended until May 15. No overdue fines or fees will be assessed.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan is available for items that can be delivered electronically. Borrowing and lending of physical materials is suspended until further notice. Renewals have been requested for all existing loans. We ask that you not return materials until the libraries re-open, as there will be no one on site to process those returns. Any overdue fines accrued during this period will be waived. Contact ILL at ILL@usm.edu (Cook Library) or usmgcl@usm.edu (Gulf Coast Library) if you have any questions. Click here to access ILLiad.
Chat, e-mail, or virtual one-on-one consultations with a research librarian by clicking here. A librarian will be available to chat after hours from 5 - 8 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Eagle Express Off-Campus Delivery
This service is currently suspended.
Stress Relief Resources Guide
In this guide you will find a selection of resources for academic and personal success, information on stress management, stress relief resources such as yoga and breathing exercises, music, videos of cute animals, and downloadable coloring sheets. Click here to relieve your stress.
Mississippi Library Association WiFi Map
This list of locations will help people across Mississippi find WiFi access from parking lots, as well as hotspots set up by private internet providers and extension offices. Some libraries will require a password to access, but these should be posted on the building or front doors. MLA will continue adding locations they are received.
Access the map here.