Quick Search Tool is Changing
News item published on: 2014-04-22 12:01:00April 2014
University Libraries is transitioning to a new discovery service – a tool that allows researchers to perform one search across multiple databases simultaneously. This new discovery service is called Primo, and Southern Miss Libraries plan to launch Primo during summer 2014.
Beginning on April 28 and continuing until the new discovery service is fully implemented, the Quick Search tool on the Libraries home page will be redirected to the Libraries’ Classic Catalog. During this transition period, Quick Search will continue to retrieve records from the Libraries’ catalog exactly as it always has, but the interface will look a little different and article search results will not be included.
Quick Search will continue to be an effective tool to find books, journals, media, and other resources held in the Libraries collections. You may still use Quick Search to look up call numbers for print materials and get links to e-books, e-journals, and other online resources. Quick Search will still allow you to search by author, title, subject, or keyword and your results will be as complete as ever; only article search results will be temporarily unavailable using Quick Search.
To find articles, we recommend you begin your search on the Article Database List or by using the Research Guides.
Throughout this transition period, assistance will be available from the Reference Services department at each library. Find contact information for Reference Services faculty and staff. Or visit the Ask-a-Librarian page to get help via chat, text, e-mail, or telephone.
For additional information about the Libraries transition to Primo (an ExLibris product), contact the Head of Reference Services, Tisha Zelner, at or 601.266.6170.