Science Café - Ice Age Murder Mystery
News item published on: 2014-09-11 09:30:04The Ice Age Murder Mystery What mysteries can we unravel from the dead? What can we learn from their bones? Join Dr. Marie Danforth, for the first Science Cafe of the fall semester on Monday, September 29, 2014, in Cook Library Room 123 at 6 p.m-7 p.m.
Dr. Danforth, professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, is a physical anthropologist interested in skeletal biology, particularly nutrition and disease indicators. During the café, after viewing a clip of the NOVA PBS film, The Iceman Murder Mystery, she will discuss this forensic investigation of the 5,000-year-old famous mummy, Ötzi the Iceman, and touch on topics such as human osteology, bioarchaeology, dental anthropology, and forensic anthropology.
A Science Café's casual meeting place, plain language, and inclusive conversation create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for people whose primary background may not be science. Each meeting is organized around an interesting scientific topic, with a presenter (usually a scientist) giving a brief background overview, usually with visuals, before the discussion kicks off. Science Cafés are free and open to the public.
For more information, contact Tracy Englert at 601.266.6396 or . Find out more about Science Cafes Find out more about the Iceman Murder Mystery by checking out the DVD at University Libraries or watch it online. Find out more about the Department of Anthropology and Sociology.