Science Cafe, Surgical Robotics
News item published on: 2015-10-20 09:21:12In the 2013 movie Enders Game, based on the popular science-fiction novel by Orson Scott Card, a character was portrayed undergoing robotic surgery. While robotic brain surgery is not a reality yet as featured in the film, the rapidly emerging field of robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery is transforming medicine. The computer-enhanced da Vinci Si Surgical System’s computer interface and 3D HD vision system between the surgeon's eyes, hands and the tips of micro-instruments boosts surgical performance.
Join Dr. Joseph Washburne, on Monday, October 26 in Cook Library Room 110 (LIB 110) 6-7 p.m., as he discusses his experiences with The da Vinci® Surgical System and being a medical innovator. The Robot demonstration model from Intuitive Surgical will also be displayed. Dr. Washburne, MD, has a medical practice at Women’s Pavilion of South Mississippi of Merit Health Wesley, and specializes in Obstetrics & Gynecology. He earned the Masters Level da Vinci surgical skill designation in 2011, and has completed over 1000 da Vinci robotic-assisted surgeries.
Science Café at Cook Library is an event that highlights interesting, relevant, and current science research. These are an opportunity to participate in lively and engaging conversations about science in a casual, welcoming and informal environment. Each Science Café features a brief presentation (usually given by a scientist) followed by discussion and questions. Science Cafés are free and open to the public. No science background is assumed or required. For more information, contact Tracy Englert, Science and Technology Librarian, at 601.266.6396 or . Find out more about Merit Health Wesley at http://www.wesley.com/merit-health-wesley/aboutus.aspx or Women’s Pavilion of South Mississippi http://womenspavilionms.com/.