Gulf Coast Libraries to Host Free Introduction to Proposal Writing for Nonprofits Webinar
News item published on: 2015-09-28 19:13:07October 2015
The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Libraries will host the free pre-recorded webinar, “Introduction to Proposal Writing,” for nonprofit groups looking for guidance on how to write grant proposals. The webinar will be held Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015, 1-2 p.m. in Room 213 of the Gulf Coast Library on the Gulf Park Campus in Long Beach.
The Southern Miss Gulf Coast Libraries, which houses a collection of grant research materials, is a Funding Information Network partner of the Foundation Center at the Library’s Gulf Park Campus location.
“Introduction to Proposal Writing” is an introductory overview of the process for new proposal writers. Webinar attendees will learn how the Foundation Center’s resources can help address the following concerns: the basic elements of a proposal; the “do’s” and “don’ts” of writing and submitting a proposal; and how to follow up if the answer is yes or no.
The recording is captioned for individuals with hearing impairments.
The webinar is free, but space is limited. Pre-register by contacting Peter R. Dean, coordinator of the Foundation Center at the Southern Miss Gulf Coast Libraries, at 228.214.3461 or e-mail .