University Libraries Celebrates Preservation Week with Talk and Exhibit
News item published on: 2014-04-22 11:45:00April 2014
In celebration of Preservation @ your library (April 27-May 3), University Libraries is hosting a brown bag luncheon talk and an exhibit highlighting techniques to preserve personal, family, and library archival and book collections.
The exhibit will be on display in the exhibit cases in the lobby of Cook Library and will highlight supplies and techniques used to preserve and repair books and manuscripts in order to provide continued use of materials in the collections. This exhibit will be available April 25-May 26.
On April 30, Jennifer Brannock, curator of Rare Books & Mississippiana, will provide a basic introduction to ideal environmental conditions and the preservation of books and archival materials (paper, photographs, etc.). This is a great opportunity to learn about the basics of preserving personal book, paper and photographic collections. Attendees are encouraged to bring examples of items from their personal collections to discuss. The one-hour talk will start at 12 noon in Cook Library Room 123. Light refreshments will be served.
During Preservation Week, an initiative of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services, libraries all over the country present events, activities and resources that highlight what libraries can do, individually and together, to preserve personal and shared collections.
For more information, contact or 601.266.4347.