Power Down Campaign for Public Computers
News item published on: 2013-07-08 15:09:55University Libraries and iTech will begin to power down all public computers in Cook Library at closing each night. At opening, a select number of computers in the 1st Floor Learning Commons will be powered up and available to the campus community. The majority of the equipment located on 2nd-5th floors will be turned on as needed by the users. Turning off the equipment during the overnight hours will help to decrease energy consumption and extend the life of the equipment.
The power down campaign, which will begin in early July, is part of a larger pilot program between University Libraries and the Office of Sustainability. This program aims to reduce energy consumption and increase awareness of work and public space sustainable practices.
We appreciate your participation in this program and your help to increase awareness of sustainable practices in Cook Library and also across all the Southern Miss campuses.
For more information or questions regarding this program, contact Sarah Mangrum at or Haley McMinn at .