wepa Printing Machines Installed in Scianna Hall and the Liberal Arts Building
News item published on: 2016-01-13 16:16:31Students, you asked, and you got it! Now you can use the same printing services you find in Cook Library in the Liberal Arts Building and Scianna Hall. wepa Print Solution is a cloud-based system that allows students to upload documents on-the-go and print them conveniently at any wepa print station.
For more detailed instructions, visit https://www.lib.usm.edu/about_us/news/wepaprinting.html or www.wepanow.com. Users can also contact wepa directly at 800.675.7639 or help@wepanow.com. Students can visit the Circulation Desk in Cook Library and the Gulf Coast Library, or the iTech technology assistants located in the Learning Commons in Cook Library (next to the wepa print kiosks) for instruction cards or assistance with printing.