Special Collections Celebrates Mississippi's Bicentennial
News item published on: 2017-01-27 13:24:27
This year marks Mississippi’s bicentennial, and University Libraries’ Special Collections at The University of Southern Mississippi will host a series of events examining different aspects of Mississippi’s past and encourage audiences to envision its future. “Lectures, Lore and Lessons: Mississippi at the Bicentennial” will begin in February and continue through the spring, summer and fall semesters.
Events will address the state’s history as it pertains to its role in the United States’ Southern history, its artistic development and its journalism and military histories. The future of the state’s agricultural and film industries will also be addressed as well as the ongoing issues of civil rights and criminal justice.
Schedule of Events:
February 23, 6 p.m. Lost Bodies and Stolen History: Slavery and Memory in Mississippi, presented by Dr. Max Grivno
Cook Library Art Gallery
March 1 - 31 Parchman: An Exhibit
Cook Libary Lobby
March 24, 5:30 p.m. The Artist's Sketch: A Biography of Painter Kate Freeman Clark, Carolyn Brown
Oddfellows Gallery, 119 East Front Street, Hatiesburg
March 30, 6 p.m. Justice in the Mississippi State Penitentiary:
Past reflections, present challenges and future directions - A panel discussion
International Center, Room 410
March 31, 10 a.m. Big House Books Volunteer Event
Cook Library Art Gallery
March 31 - April 1 Special Collections at Mississippi Coast Bicentennial Celebration
Centennial Plaza, Gulfport, MS
April 20, 6:30 pm The First Newspapers in Mississippi, presented by Dr. David R. Davies
Cook Library Art Gallery
This program aims to present a multifaceted view of Mississippi’s first 200 years. To achieve its goals of bringing history to life, Special Collections has partnered with numerous individuals and entities at the University and in the Hattiesburg community. Partners include Big House Books, Camp Shelby’s Armed Forces Museum, the Hattiesburg Public Library, Lauren Rogers Museum, Mississippi Department of Archives, and History and Oddfellows Gallery and the University departments of History; Political Science, International Development and International Affairs, and the School of Criminal Justice.
For questions or more information, contact Lorraine Stuart, University Libraries’ Head of Special Collections and Curator of Historical Manuscripts and Archives by calling 601.266.4117 or email a .