New Service at University Libraries - Live Chat
News item published on: 2013-09-25 10:37:00September 2013
Live chat is now available from University Libraries. Visitors to the Libraries website can have a real-time chat conversation with reference personnel at Cook Library and Gulf Coast Library. Simply click the Live Chat tab on either the Libraries home page at www.lib.usm.edu or the Gulf Coast Libraries home page at www.lib.usm.edu/gulfcoast.html. The chat service is also available on the Ask-a-Librarian page at www.lib.usm.edu/services/forms/askalib.html. Technical assistance, as well as reference assistance, is available and plans are underway to expand the chat service to additional service points, such as circulation and interlibrary loan.
Assistance with short, simple questions is also available via text message, also known as short message service (SMS). Text messages are limited to 140 characters and may be sent to 601.806.1000. (Your mobile phone service provider's normal texting rates will apply.)
Visit the Libraries website for more information on this and other library services. Questions or comments about the chat and text services may be sent to Tisha Zelner, head of Reference Services at Cook Library, at 601.266.6170 or .