National Library Week Events at the Gulf Coast Library
News item published on: 2011-04-06 09:03:50The Healing Power of Community
Ellis Anderson's writing has garnered several awards, including the Eudora Welty 2010 Book Prize and a Mississippi Arts Commission Fellowship for Literary Excellence (2007) for her first book, Under Surge, Under Seige, the Odyssey of Bay St. Louis and Katrina. The author will be signing copies of her book after a presentation on Tuesday, April 12 at 10 a.m. at the Gulf Coast Library, Gulf Park Campus, Long Beach. For more information, contact Betty Shaw 228.214.3456 or e-mail .
ÂFree Screening of The Hollywood Librarian
The Gulf Coast Libraries will screen the documentary, The Hollywood Librarian, on Thursday, April 14 at 2 p.m. and 6 p. m. at the Gulf Coast Library, Gulf Park Campus, Long Beach. The Hollywood Librarian is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject of librarians. A vivid blend of factual documentary, feature film and storytelling, it reveals the history and realities of librarianship in the entertaining and appealing context of American movies. For more information contact Jorge Brown at 228.214.3455 or e-mail .