Hector Boldo Exhibiting Oil Paintings in Cook Library Art Gallery
News item published on: 2017-08-21 16:13:11Oil paintings by Hattiesburg artist, Hector Boldo, are on display in the Cook Library Art Gallery. Pieces representing Mexican culture and American pop culture will be on display in the gallery through October.
“In this series of paintings that I have titled Animal Instinct, I use animals as metaphors to compare the similarities between animal and human behavior. Animalistic instincts inside of us translate into the reality in which we live,” said Boldo.
Boldo attended La Esmeralda Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado (the National School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving) in Mexico. After finishing school, Boldo has shown his work from Texas to Mississippi and is active in the South Mississippi Art Association.
In 2016, he was the recipient of a grant from the Mississippi Arts Commission to allow him to create a series of paintings titled “Immigrant Stories.” In this series, Boldo is portraying immigrants through a painting or a sculpture, telling their stories, how they came to the United States and have succeeded in America. The goal of this project is to show people the cultural value that immigrants bring to this country and the state of Mississippi.
Boldo often finds inspiration in other artists and his work begins as a sketch in his book, an emotion, a photograph or a thought. His use of oils vividly portrays folkloric dancing, celebrities and his dreams, and he enjoys experimenting with various mediums and learning how to incorporate those into his works.
For more information on the exhibit, contact Boldo at or visit http://www.boldoart.com.