Exhibit – “Food is Fun!” America’s Culinary Culture
News item published on: 2013-02-06 15:22:00Food is central to most social activities. At parties, the majority of the guests are always in the kitchen or around the food. Most first dates include some kind of food whether it’s going out to eat at a restaurant or grabbing a Coke and some popcorn at the local movie theater. Food is often the only excuse to get out of the house and relax.
Buying, cooking food, displaying, and eating food can monopolize much of a person’s day. There are menus to create, tablescapes to organize, and that’s even before the cooking begins. To help women, children, and men with the many facets of gastronomic culture, many resources have been written to help with party planning, etiquette, recipes, and tips for creating the finest food experience.
The exhibit, “Food is Fun!” America’s Culinary Culture, features materials from Special Collections in McCain Library and Archives. The exhibit features menus, food etiquette books, vintage party planning resources, children’s cookbooks, recipes from Mississippi politicians, and regional cookbooks.
The exhibit is on display in the Cook Library lobby until August 2. If you have questions about the exhibit, contact Jennifer Brannock at Jennifer.Brannock@usm.edu or 601.266.4347.