Food for Fines: Benefitting the Eagle's Nest Food Pantry
News item published on: 2019-11-01 14:32:00Support the Eagle’s Nest Food Pantry by making a donation to cancel your library fines. Donations can be made at the Cook Library circulation desk from Monday, November 4 through Thursday, December 5. Each non-perishable item will equal $1 in library fines.
The top needs for the pantry are canned milk, canned chicken or tuna, fruit cups, mac and cheese, spaghetti or macaroni noodles, spaghetti sauce, microwaveable non-frozen meals, and peanut butter.
For more information, contact Sarah Mangrum, Cook Library access services and assessment librarian, at 601.266. 4251 or Sarah.Rials@usm.edu or Dawn Smith, University Libraries assistant to the dean for publicity and outreach, at 601.266.4120 or Dawn.Smith@usm.edu.