Finding Funding Opportunities Workshop
News item published on: 2015-09-21 13:10:00November 2015
University Libraries is hosting a series of workshops related to finding sources of external funding.
Workshop Schedule:
November 4, Introduction to Proposal Writing for Nonprofits webinar, Cook Library Room 110,11 a.m.-noon
November 5, Finding Funding Opportunities, Gulf Coast Library Room 213, 10 a.m.-noon
November 6, Finding Funding Opportunities, Cook Library Room 110, 10 a.m.-noon
The Finding Funding Opportunities workshop will be taught by Syd Conner, Information Specialist in the Office of Research Administration. The workshop will cover both Pivot and GrantSearch and participants will learn how to locate sponsors for projects and potential research collaborators. Opportunity for hands-on practice is a part of the workshop.
Pivot, formerly COS, is a research funding database that encompasses all disciplines and combines a comprehensive source of global funding opportunities with a large collection of scholar profiles. GrantSearch, the Grants Resource Center’s funding database, is a not-for-profit service of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and contains over 1,500 funding opportunities that support academic activities such as research, education, training, fellowships, program or curriculum development, and/or equipment acquisition.
For more information about external funding opportunities, visit the Libraries’ guide at http://libguides.lib.usm.edu/external_funding or the ORA website at www.usm.edu/research/funding-opportunities. For more information about these workshops, contact Syd Conner at or 601.266.5054.