Featured Resource for November 2014 - Establishing Your Author Identity
News item published on: 2014-11-03 10:24:30Each month, University Libraries highlights a resource from its collections. This month we are featuring author identification systems that can be found in the library databases.
Many authors share very common or similar names, and establishing your scholarly identity is important for academic publishing. Scholarly authors and researchers can register for a unique identifier with ORCID and ResearcherID.
ORCID which stands for Open Researcher & Contributor ID, is a free, universal and non-proprietary system. ResearcherID is a proprietary system of Thomson Reuter and limited to Web of Science users. Each of these systems assigns a unique identifier which links publications and research activities. These systems are complementary and it is recommended researchers register with both as well as link to both.
In Scopus authors are automatically assigned a Scopus Author profile which can be easily linked to ORCID. During the University Research Awards Day on November 21, University Libraries will provide information and individual help to faculty on updating their profile in Scopus, registering for ORCID and ResearcherID, and on linking information in Scopus to ORCID.