Cook Library Exhibit Features Editorial Cartoons
News item published on: 2018-05-08 09:12:05In 1968, University Libraries at The University of Southern Mississippi started a collection of original editorial cartoons with the help of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists(AAEC). University Librarian, Warren Tracy, asked members of the AAEC to donate three original cartoons per year.
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same features selections from the editorial cartoon collection. Fifty years after the first donation, University Libraries’ Special Collections holds more than 6,500 examples- primarily from the 1960s-1980s. The collection renders artistic commentary on contemporary issues such as the civil rights movement, Watergate and the Vietnam Conflict. Today, the cartoons still feel relevant in their timeless depiction of government bureaucracy, political corruption, nuclear threats, and working class ails.
The exhibit is on display in the Cook Library exhibit cases located on the first floor of Cook Library through June 2018. The library hours can be found here. If you have questions about the exhibit or the collection, contact Carla Carlson at Carla.Carlson@usm.edu or 601.266.4348.