The Realist Art of Daniel Gurneck
News item published on: 2015-08-24 13:23:47Daniel Gurneck, quite simply, loves to paint. His works include a wide range of subjects from ships to portraits to pop art and more. He most enjoys painting portraits of people and the faces that he paints reflect their humanness. Daniel’s current media are acrylic, pen and ink, and pencil. No matter the medium or the subject, the art and talents of Daniel Gurneck are undeniably real.
A student of the late Zel McMath, of Pass Christian, Gurneck continued his studies at the University of South-ern Mississippi. Now retired, he worked for a while in the oil industry where he received a commission to paint a commemorative image for the merger of the Gulf and Chevron Oil Companies.
Gurneck’s works have been displayed at art fairs in Ocean Springs, Long Beach, Bay St. Louis, and Pascagoula and he is a member of the Pass Christian Art Association, The Hancock County Art Association, and the Gulf Coast Art Cooperative in Bay St. Louis.
“The old cliché goes, art is a collaboration between God and the artist and the less the artist does the better.” Gurneck said of his art, “So it is true, painting is a gift given to me and the on-looker.”
On display through October 31, 2015, the fascinating exhibit is open to the public during normal library hours on all three floors of the Gulf Coast Library. A reception, also open to the public, is planned for September 10, 2015, 4-6 p. m. Guests are invited to meet Daniel Gurneck and view his work. Refreshments will be served, and selected framed pieces will be for sale.