Safety Protocols and Services for Spring 2022
News item published on: 2020-08-03 15:09:00University Libraries is implementing safety practices in accordance with University protocols. Visit the University's Covid-19 Response page for the most current information.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are optional inside the libraries, except for instructional classrooms. Face coverings are required in instructional settings only.
Per CDC guidance, individuals with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask. Individuals may choose to mask at any time.
Wash Hands
Maintain good personal hygiene by washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol.
High touch areas in the Libraries will be cleaned on a regular basis.
Cook Library: Hand sanitizer is placed at key points through the buildings. Sanitization stations will be available for students to clean their workstations (chairs, tables, computers) before leaving.
Gulf Coast Library: Hand sanitizer is available in the lobby. Sanitization stations will be available for students to clean their workstations (chairs, tables, computers) before leaving.
Gunter Library: Hand sanitizer is placed at the service desk, next to the copier/scanner, and by the computers. A hand sanitation station is located at the entrance to the Caylor Building, in which Gulf Coast Library is located.
Special Collections in McCain Library and Archives:
Hand sanitizer is available at the reference desk in the Cleanth Brooks Reading Room.
Conduct a daily self-screening to assess for symptoms, stay home when sick, and seek medical care if needed. All USM faculty, staff and students are encouraged to self-screen each day for symptoms of COVID-19 before coming onto any University property or going to class.
For your convenience, a temperature-monitoring kiosk is available in the lobby at Cook Library and Gulf Coast Library.
Laptop Loan Program for Students
Beginning in January 2021, the Cook Books Laptop Loan program is available through University Libraries. This program is made possible through the generosity of the USM Foundation as well as an allocation from the CARES Act funding.
Loaner laptops are available on both the Gulf Park and Hattiesburg campuses. Students must specify their campus on the application form. The applications will be reviewed with priority going to students who have no technology available to them off-campus.
Click here to request a laptop. Students will be contacted, once a laptop is available, with instructions on how to pick it up. Note: laptops must be picked up in person at the respective campus locations.
Digital Course Reserves
Beginning in August 2020, course reserves are available in a digital format. Faculty may place requests for any print material that University Libraries owns. Once the item has been digitized and is available for loan, students can request online access to the material.
Digital reserves lend just like physical reserves; therefore, materials will only be available to one student at a time for a limited checkout period.
General education curriculum textbooks available through the GETI program, have a three-hour loan period and are available in a digital format.
To place your request, click here and log in with your CamousID credentials.