Course Reserves Now Offered in Digital Format
News item published on: 2020-08-20 11:27:00Cook Library is making course reserves available in a digital format. Faculty may place requests, using the online course reserve form, for any print material that University Libraries owns. Once the item has been digitized and is available for loan, students can request online access to the material.
Digital reserves lend just like physical reserves; therefore, materials will only be available to one student at a time for a limited checkout period.
General education curriculum textbooks, loaned for up to three hours at a time, will also be available in a digital format. For a current list of general education curriculum courses, click here.
Course reserve are materials put on reserve at the request of faculty and set aside for a specific academic course or other use. Materials on reserve have shorter loan periods than other library materials to allow access to a larger number of students or faculty.
For more information, please contact Cook Library Access Services at access.services@usm.edu or 601.266.4250.