Cook Library to Close Temporarily During Renovation
News item published on: 2019-11-25 10:20:00To ensure the safety of University faculty, staff and students, Cook Library will close Thursday, December 12 at 5 p.m. and reopen Thursday, January 23 while the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system is cleaned and updated.
During the temporary closing, library faculty and staff will be relocated to McCain Library and Archives. In an effort to continue to effectively serve our students and faculty, librarians and service desks, including research services and interlibrary loan, will be accessible by calling 601.266.4241 or visiting room 305 on the third floor in McCain Library and Archives. All electronic resources will still be accessible at lib.usm.edu.
The Title IX office will temporarily relocate to the International Center (IC) room 505. Students needing to contact Title IX may call 601.266.6804 or visit them in IC 505.
During the closure, those needing assistance from the iTech Help Desk should call 601.266.4357 and press 5.
The Academic Advisement Center will move to the Math Zone, across the pedestrian walkway from Cook Library. Students will still be able to reach advisors by contacting 601.266.4626.
Starbucks, the Speaking Center, and the Writing Center will close on December 12 and reopen on January 23.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will strive to avoid as many disruptions to library services as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Cook Library at 601.266.4241.
Closing dates could be subject to change.