Gulf Coast Library Hosts Book Talk on Invention of the Modern Lighthouse
News item published on: 2013-08-21 14:17:00August 2013
The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Library will host a book talk about the invention of the modern lighthouse featuring Dr. Theresa Levitt on Monday, August 26, at 5 p.m. in room 204 of the library. The book talk is part of the university’s Welcome Week events.
Levitt, author of the recently published book, “A Short Flash: Augustin Fresnel and the Birth of the Modern Lighthouse,” is an associate professor of history at the University of Mississippi. She studies the scientific and historic account of the invention of the Fresnel lens, an invention by Augustin Fresnel that forever changed lighthouses worldwide. In addition to being a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Levitt also earned her master’s degree from Iowa State University and Ph.D. from Harvard University.
Copies of “A Short Flash: Augustin Fresnel and the Birth of the Modern Lighthouse” will be available for purchase at the book talk. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, contact the Southern Miss Gulf Coast Libraries at 228.214.3450.