Black and Mangrum Selected for ACUE Faculty Development Institute
News item published on: 2021-05-07 14:01:00
Hali Black, first year experience librarian, and Dr. Sarah Mangrum, access services and assessment librarian, have been selected as faculty fellows in the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) Faculty Development Institute.
In the fall of 2021, Black will begin Effective Teaching Practices program, and Mangrum will begin the inaugural Effective Online Teaching Practices program. Upon the successful completion of these three-term programs, Black and Mangrum will both be awarded the ACUE Certificate in Effective College Instruction, as well as badges from ACUE, and the designation of ACUE Distinguished Teaching Scholar from the Office of the Provost.
The ACUE Faculty Development Institute at Southern Miss is an intensive professional development program offered to enhance teaching practices. The Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) was founded by leaders in higher education to advance instruction, support college educators, and promote student success. ACUE helps colleges and universities achieve their goals for students through innovative faculty development partnerships and a research-based Course in Effective Teaching Practices.
Effective Teaching Practices program focuses on evidence-based teaching practices in face-to-face, hybrid, and online courses, and the Effective Online Teaching Practices program focuses on evidence-based teaching practices and course design in online courses. Both programs include courses focusing on promoting engaged and active learning, fostering lifelong learning, and designing learner-centered and inclusive courses.
ACUE faculty fellows spend each of the terms individually working through online interactive modules, exploring at least one technique in a class during the week, and joining together each Friday as a group for a facilitated discussion on that week's topic.