News item published on: 2022-09-20 11:22:00

Open Scholarship SOAR Session October 12, 2 p.m. Willa Tavernier, Research Impact and Open Scholarship Librarian, Indiana University
Virtual Event Only: Zoom Register here
In this year’s second SOAR Session, join us to get a brief overview of the latest trends and developments in open scholarship. The session is open to everyone, but faculty are especially encouraged to attend as this workshop will provide helpful tools and resources that they can utilize when considering where to publish their own research.
Out in the Open: Open Access and the Battle Against Misinformation October 19, 11 a.m. Hannah Madonna, Arts and Humanities Librarian
In person: Cook Library Room 206Z Virtual: Zoom Register here
Open access is an important tool in the fight against misinformation. Transparency in open access publishing can strengthen public trust and make information more accessible. When more scientific research is available to the public, the easier it is to combat misinformation and more critical thinking skills can be encouraged. This greater access can also lead to more knowledge production, as more scholars build upon the work already done, sharing their work with the world.
An Open Conversation about Promotion and Tenure October 26, 2 p.m. Dr. Marie Danforth, Professor, School of Social Science and Global Studies Dr. Will Evans, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Nursing Dr. Jason Wallace, Assistant Professor, School of Education Dr. Don Yee, Professor, School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences
In person: Cook Library Room 206Z Virtual: Zoom Register here
In this discussion, panelists will explore some of the ways that the proliferation of open access can encourage us to rethink the way we approach the promotion and tenure process. Should we value metric-based prestige over broader reach? Are citations the ideal way to measure the quality or impact of a publication? Is it more important that faculty publish in journals preferred by their peers or in journals freely available to practitioners in the field? We will discuss these questions and more while considering whether Open Access can broaden the way we approach promotion and tenure decisions in a way that more fully represents our faculty’s accomplishments.
Virtual attendees MUST register in order to receive the Zoom links for the sessions. Zoom links will be distributed within 24 hours of each event. Registration is optional but still encouraged for in-person attendees. Please contact if you have any questions.