The University of Southern Mississippi -- de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
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Manuscript Collection

Collection Title: Howard Blount Papers

Collection Number: DG1366

Accession Number: 2016-052

Inclusive Dates: 2016

Volume: 3.0 cu. ft.

Given By : R. Howard Blount, Jr.

Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code).

Form of Material:

“The Road Not Taken: A Reluctant Teacher’s Handbook through Literature-Based Instruction and Alternative Assessment”by Howard Blount [unpublished?]

Edited typescript


Language Lingo: Glossaries and Flashcards for 200+ Terms by R. Howard Blount, Jr. Published by Good Apple, 1997.



The Address Book of Children's Authors & Illustrators: Corresponding with the Creators of Children's Literature by R. Howard Blount and Darcy Myers. Minneapolis, MN: T.S. Denison & Co, 1994.

Edited typescripts [2]
Publicity/promotional material
Cover artwork
Fan mail

Frog Publications
The Learning Works
Scholastic Professional Books
Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
Incentive Publications, Inc.
Simon & Schuster
Good Apple
Troll Associates
T.S. Denison and Company, Inc
Suncoast Young Authors Celebration
Conari Press
Avon Books/The Hearst Corporation
Lee & Low Books
Candlewick Press
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.
Associated Publishers Group
Reader’s Digest
Henry Holt and Company, Inc
Random house, Inc
F & W Publications
Boyds Mills Press
Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
Global-Fax Addresses
”Christmas 1995”


Jim Aylesworth: resume, survey, promotional materials, 1993
Sandy Asher: correspondence, bibliography, survey, 1993; edited
typescript of entry in book, 1994
Jan & Frank Asch: correspondence, signature card, 1993
Mary Jane Auch (via Holiday House): Correspondence, 1993
Lloyd Alexander: survey, 1993

Carol Adorjan: correspondence, survey, bibliography, biography, 1993; correspondence, edited typescript, 1994
Betsy Byars: correspondence, survey, photograph, 1992
Eve Bunting: survey, signature card, 1993
Keith Baker: survey, bibliography, biography
Joan Blos: correspondence, survey, 1993
David Budbill: correspondence, biography, survey, 1993
Marion Dane Bauer: correspondence, survey, bibliography/biography, 1992
Natalie Babbitt: survey, 1992
Pat Cummings: survey, 1993

Daniel Cohen: survey, correspondence, biography, 1993
Lynn Cullen: Correspondence, survey, 1993
Peter Catalanotto: survey, biographical material, n.d.
Eth Clifford: bibliography, photo, correspondence, 1993
Matt Christopher: correspondence, signature card, survey, 1993
Caroline Cooney: biographic/bibliographic information, survey
Pam Conrad: survey, 1993
Alexandra Day: survey, 1992
Tomie dePaola: survey, 1993

Cynthia DeFelice: signature card, correspondence, survey, publisher materials, promotional materials, 1993

Betsy Duffey: survey, promotional material, 1993

Arlene Dubanevich: biography/bibliographic information, correspondence, survey, 1993

Lydia Dabcovich: survey, 1993

Frederick Drimmer: survey, signature card, 1993

Paula Danziger: survey, 1993

Leo & Diane Dillon: survey, 1993

Kathy Lynn Emerson: survey, publisher material, 1993

Jean Fritz: survey, 1993

Ina Friedman: surveys, publisher material, 1993

Lucy Fuchs: survey, 1993

Paul Fleischman: signature card, 1993

Paula Fox: survey, 1993

Russell Freedman: survey, 1993

Janet Greeson: Survey, correspondence, biographic/bibliographic information, 1993

Constance Green: survey, correspondence, bibliographic information, promotional materials, 1993

Nancy Garden: edited typescript, survey, biographical information, correspondence, 1993

Kristiana Gregory: correspondence, survey, biographic information, 1993

James Cross Giblin: survey, publisher material, 1993

Gail Gibbons: survey, publisher material, 1993

Jack Gantos: biographic materials, bibliography, survey, correspondence

Sherry Garland: survey, publisher materials

Susan Goldberg: survey, correspondence, biographical information

Eloise Greenfield: survey, correspondence, signature card, 1993

Libby Hughes: publisher material, correspondence, signature card, biography, survey, 1993

Gloria Houston: survey, 1993

James Howe: survey, 1993

John Himmelman: biography, survey, correspondence

Mary Downing Hahn: correspondence, survey, 1993

Janet Johnston: survey, 1993

Hadley Irwin: survey, 1993

E.L. Konisburg: survey

Steven Kellogg: correspondence, survey

Herb Karl: photo, correspondence, newspaper clippings, survey

M.E. Kerr: survey, publisher material, 1993

Mary Deball-Kwitz: biographic/bibliographic information, survey, 1993

Lois Lowry: correspondence, 1993

Loreen Leedy: correspondence, publisher materials, illustration, survey, biography, 1993

Jean Lee Latham: survey, 1993

Patricia Lauber: survey, correspondence, 1993

Giles Laroche: publisher materials, survey, promotional material, 1993

Julius Lester: survey, 1993

Liza Ketchum Murrow: survey, correspondence, signature card, 1993

Anne Miranda: correspondence, 1993

Stephen Mooser: survey, correspondence, biography, 1993

Ann Martin: publisher materials, survey, biography, 1993

Harry Mazer: correspondence, survey, 1993

Lurlene McDaniel: correspondence, survey, publisher materials, 1993

Ann McGovern: bibliography, correspondence, publisher materials, survey, 1993

Patricia C. McKissack: survey, publisher materials, correspondence, 1993

Faith McNulty: survey, correspondence, biography, 1993

Laurie Myers: business card, survey, 1993

Shirley Rousseau Murphy: survey, card, 1993

Peggy Morey: survey

Nicholosa Mohr: survey, card, 1993

Bruce McMillan: survey, card, correspondence, 1993

Emily Cheney Neville: correspondence, survey, 1993

Matt Novak: biography, illustration, survey, 1993

Leslea Novak: survey, 1993

Katherine Orr: biographical info, survey, publisher materials, 1993

Stella Pevsner: publisher materials, biographical information, survey, correspondence, survey, 1993

Alice Provensen: survey, blue sheet of paper, 1993

Rosemary Pendery: survey, card, 1993

Barbara Park: survey, publisher material, biography/bibliography, 1993

Peter Parnall: survey, 1993

Katherine Paterson: survey, 1993

Ronald Rood: survey, biography, correspondence, 1993

Ivy Ruckman, survey, signature card, 1993

Unidentified “R” author [?], 1993

Willo Davis Roberts: biography, publisher materials, survey, correspondence, 1993

Barbara Steiner: newspaper article, bibliography, survey, 1993

Jane Sutton: biography, bibliography, survey, correspondence, 1993

Mary Stolz: correspondence, 1993

Jean Sibbald: survey, 1993

Williams Sleator, survey, correspondence, signature card, 1993
Jerry Spinelli: correspondence, survey, bibliography, 1993
Patti Sherlock: survey, biography, signature card, 1993
David Schwartz: publisher material, correspondence, biography, survey, 1993
Barbara Seuling: biography, correspondence, survey, bibliography, 1993
Janet Shaw: correspondence, publisher materials, survey, 1993
Jean Shirley: biography, bibliography, correspondence, survey, 1993
Elizabeth George Speare: survey, 1993
Marilyn Singer: correspondence, survey, bibliography, biography, 1993
Suzanne Fisher Staples: biography, correspondence, survey, 1993
Mildred Taylor: survey, 1993
Karen Taha: survey correspondence, 1993
Eric Tamar: bibliography, survey, 1993
Tasha Tudor: survey, 1993
Julian Thompson: survey, 1993

Theodore Taylor: publisher materials, biographical/bibliography material, correspondence, survey, 1993

Valerie Worth: survey, note, 1993

Patricia C. Wrede: survey, 1993

Betty Ren Wright: survey, 1993

Ellen Stoll Walsh: survey, 1993

Phyllis Whitney: survey, signature card, 1993

Author Autographs:

Carol M. Adorjan
Sandy  Asher
James Cross Ayler
Jim Aylesworth
Keith Baker
Marion Dane Bauer
Tom Birdseye
Joan W. Blos
Mary Bowman-Kruhm
Jan Brett
David Budbill
Betsy Byars
Angelica Shirley Carpenter
Peter Catalanotto
Eth Clifford
Daniel Cohen
Christopher Collier
Caroline B. Cooney
Lynn Cullen
Lydia Dabcovich
Mary DeBall-Kuritz
Cynthia DeFelice
Arlene Dubanevich
Betsy Duffey
Frederick Dummer
Ed Emberly
Tom Feelings
Leonard Everett Fisher
Irma R. Friedman
Jean Fritz
Jack Gantos
Sherry Garland
Gail Gibbons
Sue Goldberg
Nancy Gordon
Constance Green
Janet Greeson
Kristiana Gregory
Mary Downing Hahn
Wendy Anderson Halperin
Patricia Hermes
John Himmelman
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Libby Hughes
Johanna Hurwitz
Janet Johnston
Herb Karl
M.E. Kerr
Natalie Kinsey-Warnock
Suzy Kline
Giles Laroche
Loreen Leedy
Julius Lester
Ann M. Martin
Marianna Mayer
Norma Fox Mazer
Lurlene McDaniel
Ann McGovern
Frederick McKissack
Patricia McKissack
Faith McNulty
Anni Miranda
Stephen Mooser
Harry Mozer
Norma Fox Mazer
Liza Ketchum Murrow
Laurie Myers
Anne Naylor
Phyllis R. Naylor
Emily Cheney Neville
Leslea Newman
W. Nikola-Lisa
Joan Lowery Nixon
Matt Novak
Barbara Park
Katherine Patterson
Stella Pessner
Helena Clare Pitman
Alice Provenson
Berniece Rabe
Willo Davis Roberts
Ron Rood
David M. Schwartz
Barbara Sewing
Janet Shaw
Patti Sherlock
Jean Shirley
Linda Shute
Leslie Sills
Marilyn Singer
Katherine Som
Elizabeth George Speare
Jerry Spinelli
Suzanne Fisher Staples
Barbara A. Steiner
Jane Sutton
Oinka Tamar
Karen Taha
Ted Vaughn
Bill Wallace
Claudine G. Wirths
Hans Wilhelm
Mike Wimmer
Jane Yolen



Biographical information:


Bibliographic authority card [photocopy]

Newspaper clippings

Miscellaneous writings


Newsletter and Pamphlets:

Insights/Book Markets

The Institute News-line, Children’s Writer

Institute of Children’s Literature
Children’s Book Insider

Writer’s Digest

”How Can I Help My Publisher Promote My Book” from Lee & Low Books


Various copies of articles and excerpts from magazines


SCBWI Binder:

Publishers of Books for Young People, August 1993
Directory Guides to Educational Markets, 1989, n.a.
SCBWI Guide to Agents, 1990, by Jim Roginski
Tip Sheet for SCBWI Works-In-Progress Grants, n.d., by Sue Burgess
From Idea to Completed Projects...Resources You can Use, n.d., n.a.
Answers to Some Questions about Contracts, n.d., n.a.
Keeping your Book Alive: An Author’s Rights and Responsibilities, 1991, Frances A. Miller
SCBWI Guide to Small Press Markets, 1990, by Elsa Marston Harik
Copyright Facts for Writers, 1984 (Rebecca Fox), 1990 (Ron Monitz)
From the Editor’s Desk, Olga Litowinsky: Questions Most Frequently Asked by Writers of Children’s Books, n.d.
SCBWI Guides to the Religious Books Markets, 1992, Norma Jean Lutz
Starting a Critique Group, n.d., n.a.
SCBWI Guide to College/University/Community Course in Writing and Illustrating, n.d., n.a.
SCBWI Directory of State and Provincial Arts Council, n.d., n.a.
Directory Guide to Magazine Markets, 19931993, Compiled and Edited by Dorothy Leon
1993 SCBWI Guide to Book Packager/Producers, n.d., n.a.
SCBW Guide for Illustrators and Photo-Illustrators, 1989, n.a.
From Typewriter to printed Page...Facts You Need to Know, n.d., n.a.
What Can You Expect? A Brief Overview of Types of Publishers, n.d., n.a.
Guide to Foreign Markets, n.d., Sherrill Kushner
The Golden Kite award pamphlet & award information
SCBWI informational pamphlet
grant pamphlet
Magazine Merit Award pamphlet
SCBWI application for membership
Critique Group Information
SCBWI Manuscript and Illustration Exchange
SCBWI Correspondence
Florida Antiquarian Booksellers Association Pamphlet
In Memoriam, Jean Shirley
Practice signatures


Unpublished media:

“Blount: Sarah, Plain, & Tall”

“Louis L’Amour: Gunfighters; women; mustang; Deadwood, SD; Pecos Bill; Robin Williams; Ry Cooder”

“Marguerite Henry, Jamake Highwater”

“Pecos Bill-Roy Rogers”

“Judy Blume/Beverly Cleary1987-TR | Katherine Paterson/Collier Bros.”

“Sons of the Pioneers/Cowboy Songs-Various”

“Braille" [?]

“My Daniel" (3 audiocassettes)

“Prairie Songs (side 3)"

“Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe”

Unlabeled audiocassette



Product page mockup

Barnes and Noble and Amazon records of items and books

“Tiger’s Purr”

Personal correspondence

Florida Romance Writers on Writing

Writing for Children: 1996 Report of Highlights Foundation Writers Workshop


Created by: Danielle Bishop Stoulig
Prepared and maintained by
University of Southern Mississippi Libraries de Grummond Children's Literature Collection
118 College Drive #5148   Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001

Please send comments or questions to
Revised: October 5, 2016