Policy Statement

The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries are committed to meeting the needs of library users by providing an environment conducive to study, research, and collaborative learning.


Reason for Policy/Purpose

This policy is required for the effective communication of university policies regarding study zones in the University Libraries.


Who Needs to Know This Policy

All patrons of the University Libraries.



In order to provide spaces that allow for a variety of study styles, the following guidelines are provided:


  • Quiet study zones have been designated in the following library facilities: 

                    Cook Library: 2nd floor stacks 

                    McCain Library: 3rd floor Cleanth Brooks Reading Room

                    Gulf Coast Library: 2nd and 3rd floor stacks 


  • A Silent study zone has been designated in the 5th floor of Cook Library


The following noise producing activities are not permitted in quiet or silent study zones. These prohibited activities may include, but are not limited to: 

  • Conversations occurring in person or mediated by a cell phone or other communication device
  • Use of devices that play recorded music or other sounds 
  • Other activities that can be construed as distractions to library user 
  • Group study is not permitted in the Silent Study Zone


Violations of this policy should be reported to library staff at a service desk. Individuals who do not comply with University Libraries’ policies may be asked to leave and if necessary, University Police will be called to take charge of a situation involving non-compliance with library or university policies.


It is to be noted that while loud conversations and other noise is discouraged in other areas of the Libraries, there is no expectation of silence in those areas.



The Dean of University Libraries is responsible for the review of this policy every four years (or whenever circumstances require immediate review).


Amendments: Month, Day, Year – summary of changes

11/01/11: Formatted for Institutional Policies website.

02/18/13: Formatted for template. Minor editing throughout.

5/6/2013: “Cell phone use” removed as stand-alone item in bulleted list of prohibited activities; “conversations” amended to include conversations occurring in person or via cell phone or other communication device.