Cook Library Re-opens Tomorrow!

The final weeks of Sequence 1 required Cook Library to be closed to all except construction workers. The shutdown began on December 14, 2019, and Cook Library will re-open on January 23, 2020.

The improvements at this stage of the project--new roof, fire alarm system, fire suppression system, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system--may not be easy to see, but they support the safety and comfort of all who enter the building.

Work on Sequence 2 also began during the shutdown period, including renovation of classrooms on the 2nd floor and construction of the Hattiesburg Advisement Center and Bower Academic Center.

We’re looking forward to welcoming new and returning students, faculty, and staff to Cook Library on January 23rd!

image is a photo of a hallway with off white (at the top) and green (at the bottom) walls on the left and windows on the right. The hallway is partially under construction with carpet on one of the hallway, and wood flooring on the other where carpet has been removed. Along the wall on the left are two wooden benches with backs and arms. Along the right hallway, is an opening, between sets of windows, where part of a wall has been removed. image is a photo of a room that has had the flooring removed. The walls are bare and a gray/off white color. A column stands in the middle of the room. Along the right side wall, wiring is exposed, and ceiling tiles have been removed, for construction purposes.